--- - name: management | put management station prune script template: src: prune.sh.j2 dest: "~{{ borgbackup_management_user }}/prune.sh" owner: "{{ borgbackup_management_user }}" group: "{{ borgbackup_management_user }}" mode: 0700 - name: management | put management sshpubkey on the normal backupserver authorized_key: user: "{{ item.user }}" key: "{{ borgbackup_management_sshkey }}" delegate_to: "{{ item.fqdn }}" when: item.type == 'normal' with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" # rsync.net has no python, so we can only use raw to manage ssh keys - workaround with local tmp file - name: management | get rsync.net authorized_keys file raw: scp {{ item.user }}@{{ item.fqdn }}:.ssh/authorized_keys /tmp/rsync.net-{{ item.fqdn }}-authkeys delegate_to: localhost become: no when: item.type == 'rsync.net' with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" changed_when: false - name: management | modify local rsync.net authorized_keys authorized_key: user: "{{ ansible_user_id }}" key: "{{ borgbackup_management_sshkey }}" path: "/tmp/rsync.net-{{ item.fqdn }}-authkeys" manage_dir: no delegate_to: localhost become: no when: item.type == 'rsync.net' with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" register: authkeys - name: management | upload local authorized_keys to rsync.net raw: scp /tmp/rsync.net-{{ item.fqdn }}-authkeys {{ item.user }}@{{ item.fqdn }}:.ssh/authorized_keys delegate_to: localhost become: no when: item.type == 'rsync.net' and authkeys.changed with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" - name: management | remove tmp authorized_keys files file: path: /tmp/rsync.net-{{ item.fqdn }}-authkeys state: absent delegate_to: localhost become: no with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" when: authkeys.changed changed_when: false