--- - name: client | generate ssh key for this machine shell: if [ -f {{ borgbackup_ssh_key }} ]; then rm -f {{ borgbackup_ssh_key }}; fi && ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 4096 -f {{ borgbackup_ssh_key }} -N "" creates="{{ borgbackup_ssh_key }}.pub" - name: client | fetch ssh-key shell: "cat {{ borgbackup_ssh_key }}.pub" register: sshkey changed_when: False - name: client | write passphrase lineinfile: dest: "/root/.borg.passphrase" state: "present" line: 'export BORG_PASSPHRASE="{{ borgbackup_passphrase }}"' create: "yes" - name: client | disable strict key checking for backup servers blockinfile: dest: /root/.ssh/config create: yes marker: "### {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK {{ item.fqdn }} ###" content: | Host {{ item.fqdn }} StrictHostKeyChecking no IdentityFile {{ borgbackup_ssh_key }} {% if item.port is defined %} Port {{ item.port }} {% endif %} with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" - name: client | put sshpubkey on the normal backupserver authorized_key: user: "{{ item.user }}" key: "{{ sshkey.stdout }}" key_options: 'command="cd {{ item.home }}{{ item.pool }}/{{ inventory_hostname }};borg serve {% if borgbackup_appendonly %}--append-only {% endif %}--restrict-to-path {{ item.home }}/{{ item.pool }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc' delegate_to: "{{ item.fqdn }}" when: item.type == 'normal' with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" # rsync.net and hetzner have no python, so we can only use raw to manage ssh keys - workaround with local tmp file - name: client | get authorized_keys file raw: scp {{ item.user }}@{{ item.fqdn }}:.ssh/authorized_keys /tmp/authkeys-{{ item.type }}-{{ item.fqdn }}-authkeys delegate_to: localhost become: no when: item.type in ['rsync.net','hetzner'] with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" changed_when: false - name: client | modify local rsync.net/hetzner authorized_keys authorized_key: user: "{{ ansible_user_id }}" key: "{{ sshkey.stdout }}" key_options: 'command="cd {{ item.pool }}/{{ inventory_hostname }};/usr/local/bin/borg1 serve {% if borgbackup_appendonly %}--append-only {% endif %} --restrict-to-path {{ item.pool }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc' path: "/tmp/authkeys-{{ item.type }}-{{ item.fqdn }}-authkeys" manage_dir: no delegate_to: localhost become: no when: item.type in ['rsync.net','hetzner'] with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" register: authkeys - name: client | upload local authorized_keys to rsync.net / hetzner raw: scp /tmp/authkeys-{{ item.type }}-{{ item.fqdn }}-authkeys {{ item.user }}@{{ item.fqdn }}:.ssh/authorized_keys delegate_to: localhost become: no when: item.type in ['rsync.net','hetzner'] and authkeys.changed with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" - name: client | remove tmp authorized_keys files file: path: /tmp/authkeys-{{ item.type }}-{{ item.fqdn }}-authkeys state: absent delegate_to: localhost become: no with_items: "{{ borgbackup_servers }}" when: authkeys.changed changed_when: false - name: client | check for mysql stat: path=/var/lib/automysqlbackup register: automysql - name: client | put wrapper script template: src: "borg-backup.sh.j2" dest: "/usr/local/bin/borg-backup" owner: "{{ borgbackup_owner }}" group: "{{ borgbackup_group }}" mode: "0744" - name: client | create backup-directory on backup server shell: /usr/local/bin/borg-backup init register: backup_init changed_when: "'Remember your passphrase' in backup_init.stderr" - name: client | create backup cronjob cron: cron_file: "borg-backup" user: "{{ borgbackup_cron_user }}" name: "borg-backup" minute: "{{ borgbackup_cron_minute }}" hour: "{{ borgbackup_cron_hour }}" day: "{{ borgbackup_cron_day }}" job: "/usr/local/bin/borg-backup backup" - name: client | disable automysqlbackup cronjob, it's in our pre-backup-tasks lineinfile: dest: "/etc/cron.daily/automysqlbackup" regexp: "^/usr/sbin/automysqlbackup$" line: "#/usr/sbin/automysqlbackup" state: "present" backrefs: "yes" create: "no" when: automysql.stat.isdir is defined and automysql.stat.isdir == True