; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; http://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] src_dir = . default_envs = serial extra_configs = platformio-*.ini [env] platform = espressif32 board = esp32thing board_build.partitions = default.csv framework = arduino targets = upload monitor_speed = 115200 #upload_speed = 460800 lib_deps = ESP-WiFiSettings @^3.5 MH-Z19 TFT_eSPI MQTT build_flags = -DUSER_SETUP_LOADED=1 -DST7789_DRIVER=1 -DCGRAM_OFFSET=1 -DTFT_WIDTH=135 -DTFT_HEIGHT=240 -DTFT_MOSI=19 -DTFT_SCLK=18 -DTFT_CS=5 -DTFT_DC=16 -DTFT_RST=-23 -DTFT_BL=4 -DTFT_BACKLIGHT_ON=HIGH -DLOAD_GLCD=1 -DLOAD_FONT2=1 -DLOAD_FONT4=1 -DLOAD_FONT6=1 -DLOAD_FONT7=1 -DLOAD_FONT8=1 -DLOAD_GFXFF=1 -DSPI_FREQUENCY=40000000 [env:serial] upload_protocol = esptool [env:ota] upload_protocol = espota upload_port = operame-HEX_HERE.local upload_flags = --port=3232 --auth=PASSWORD_HERE ; Alternatively, instead of editing this file (which is annoying because it ; might end up being committed in git), you can create extra an extra config ; file. ; Just copy the [env:ota] section to a new file called platformio-NAME.ini ; and change [env:ota] to [env:NAME]. You can use this to OTA-update multiple ; Operames with a single command: pio run -t upload -e NAME -e NAME -e NAME