extends includes/layout block head title Takedown - CloudTube block content main.takedown-page h1 Takedown/DMCA p If you own the copyright to videos on this website, you can remove access to the videos. But: section.important-section h2 Read this first. ul li CloudTube is a proxy service for YouTube videos. li CloudTube does not store any videos. Videos are never saved to these servers. li CloudTube reproduces data from youtube.com in an interface that looks a little bit different. li All video data is streamed directly from YouTube. All video metadata is collected directly from YouTube. h2 And understand this: p Anybody can watch or download YouTube videos using many freely available tools. This is just one such tool, and attacking this website will solve none of your problems. h2.new-section “I still want to remove access.” p In addition to the legally mandated information, if you wish for future videos uploaded on the same channel(s) to be restricted, please provide the channel URLs, and state: "Future videos uploaded to the same YouTube channels should also be restricted." p When providing URLs, please format them like so: pre. https://youtube.example.com/watch?v=AAAAAAAAAAA https://youtube.example.com/watch?v=BBBBBBBBBBB p i.e., one URL per line, with no other information on those lines. section.takedown-contact if constants.takedown && constants.takedown.contact_url p: a(href=constants.takedown.contact_url) Contact information is here. else if constants.takedown && constants.takedown.contact_email p: a(href=`mailto:${constants.takedown.contact_email}`) Send email to #{constants.takedown.contact_email} else p You will need to contact the website owner via their domain or hosting provider. p Please allow 5 days for a response.