extends includes/layout.pug include includes/video-list-item.pug block head title Subscriptions - CloudTube script(type="module" src=getStaticURL("html", "/static/js/subscriptions.js")) block content main.subscriptions-page if hasSubscriptions section details.channels-details summary #{channels.length} subscriptions .channels-list for channel in channels a(href=`/channel/${channel.ucid}`).channel-item img(src=channel.icon_url width=512 height=512 alt="").thumbnail span.name= channel.name if refreshed section details.channels-details summary Last refreshed #{timeToPastText(refreshed.min)} div Oldest channel was refreshed #{timeToPastText(refreshed.min)} div Newest channel was refreshed #{timeToPastText(refreshed.max)} - const notLoaded = channels.length - refreshed.count if notLoaded div #{notLoaded} subscriptions have not been refreshed at all div Your subscriptions will be regularly refreshed in the background so long as you log in frequently. if settings.save_history input(type="checkbox" id="watched-videos-display") .watched-videos-display-container label(for="watched-videos-display").watched-videos-display-label Hide watched videos each video in videos +video_list_item("subscriptions-video", video, instanceOrigin, {showMarkWatched: settings.save_history && !video.watched}) else .no-subscriptions h2 You have no subscriptions. p Subscribing to a channel makes its videos appear here. p You can find the subscribe button on channels and videos.