const {request} = require("../utils/request") const fetch = require("node-fetch") const {render} = require("pinski/plugins") const db = require("../utils/db") const {getToken, getUser} = require("../utils/getuser") const pug = require("pug") const converters = require("../utils/converters") class InstanceError extends Error { constructor(error, identifier) { super(error) this.identifier = identifier } } function formatOrder(format) { // most significant to least significant // key, max, order, transform // asc: lower number comes first, desc: higher number comes first const spec = [ {key: "second__height", max: 8000, order: "desc", transform: x => x ? Math.floor(x/96) : 0}, {key: "fps", max: 100, order: "desc", transform: x => x ? Math.floor(x/10) : 0}, {key: "type", max: " ".repeat(60), order: "asc", transform: x => x.length} ] let total = 0 for (let i = 0; i < spec.length; i++) { const s = spec[i] let diff = s.transform(format[s.key]) if (s.order === "asc") diff = s.transform(s.max) - diff total += diff if (i+1 < spec.length) { // not the last spec item? const s2 = spec[i+1] total *= s2.transform(s2.max) } } return -total } async function renderVideo(videoPromise, {user, id, instanceOrigin}, locals = {}) { try { // resolve video const video = await videoPromise if (!video) throw new Error("The instance returned null.") if (video.error) throw new InstanceError(video.error, video.identifier) // process stream list ordering for (const format of video.formatStreams.concat(video.adaptiveFormats)) { if (!format.second__height && format.resolution) format.second__height = +format.resolution.slice(0, -1) if (!format.second__order) format.second__order = formatOrder(format) } // process length text and view count for (const rec of video.recommendedVideos) { converters.normaliseVideoInfo(rec) } // get subscription data const subscribed = user.isSubscribed(video.authorId) // process watched videos user.addWatchedVideoMaybe(video.videoId) const watchedVideos = user.getWatchedVideos() if (watchedVideos.length) { for (const rec of video.recommendedVideos) { rec.watched = watchedVideos.includes(rec.videoId) } } // normalise view count if (!video.second__viewCountText && video.viewCount) { video.second__viewCountText = converters.viewCountToText(video.viewCount) } return render(200, "pug/video.pug", Object.assign(locals, {video, subscribed, instanceOrigin})) } catch (e) { // show an appropriate error message // these should probably be split out to their own files let message = pug.render("pre= error", {error: e.stack || e.toString()}) if (e instanceof fetch.FetchError) { const template = ` p The selected instance, #[code= instanceOrigin], did not respond correctly. ` message = pug.render(template, {instanceOrigin}) } else if (e instanceof InstanceError) { if (e.identifier === "RATE_LIMITED_BY_YOUTUBE" || e.message === "Could not extract video info. Instance is likely blocked.") { const template = ` .blocked-explanation img(src="/static/images/instance-blocked.svg" width=552 height=96) .rows .row You | Working .row CloudTube | Working .row Instance | Blocked by YouTube .row YouTube | Working p. CloudTube needs to a working Second/Invidious instance in order to get data about videos. However, the selected instance, #[code= instanceOrigin], has been temporarily blocked by YouTube. p. You will be able to watch this video if you select a working instance in settings. #[br]#[a(href="/settings") Go to settings →] p. (Tip: Try #[code] or #[code].) p. This situation #[em will] be improved in the future! ` message = pug.render(template, {instanceOrigin}) } else { const template = ` p #[strong= error.message] if error.identifier p #[code= error.identifier] p That error was generated by #[code= instanceOrigin]. ` message = pug.render(template, {instanceOrigin, error: e}) } } return render(500, "pug/video.pug", {video: {videoId: id}, error: true, message}) } } module.exports = [ { route: "/watch", methods: ["GET", "POST"], upload: true, code: async ({req, url, body}) => { const user = getUser(req) const settings = user.getSettingsOrDefaults() const id = url.searchParams.get("v") const t = url.searchParams.get("t") let mediaFragment = converters.tToMediaFragment(t) if (req.method === "GET") { if (!settings.local) { const instanceOrigin = settings.instance const outURL = `${instanceOrigin}/api/v1/videos/${id}` const videoPromise = request(outURL).then(res => res.json()) return renderVideo(videoPromise, {user, id, instanceOrigin}, {mediaFragment}) } else { return render(200, "pug/local-video.pug", {id}) } } else { // req.method === "POST" const video = JSON.parse(new URLSearchParams(body.toString()).get("video")) const videoPromise = Promise.resolve(video) const instanceOrigin = "http://localhost:3000" return renderVideo(videoPromise, {user, id, instanceOrigin}, {mediaFragment}) } } } ]