extends includes/layout.pug block head title Privacy policy block content main.privacy-page h1 Privacy policy p This document contains details about the data this website collects, what it is used for, how it is stored, how it is shared, and how it can be removed. h2 Data collected h3 Data provided by you p CloudTube will store this information when you personally enter it into the site: ul li personal settings li list of channels you have subscribed to li list of videos you have watched (only if enabled in settings) h3 Data collected passively p When your device requests any resource from CloudTube, this information about the request may be stored for up to 14 days: ul li the time the request was made li the IP address li the requested URL li the response status code h2 Accounts and cookies p CloudTube does not allow users to create accounts. p The first time a user personally provides data to the site, such as changing settings or subscribing to a channel, an ephemeral session is created and linked to a cookie. p On future visits, this cookie will be used to look up the session, and provide a response based on that stored information. p As described above, no personally identifiable information is linked to sessions. p If the user never personally provides data to the site, no cookie will be stored. h2 What the data is used for ul li providing the core service li providing information for debugging h2 How the data is shared p It is not. p Data stored by the site remains within the site, and is never shared with other companies or individuals. h2 How to delete your data p #[a(href="/settings") Visit the settings page] and find the "delete data" section. Read the text. p To delete your data, check "I understand the consequences", then click "permanently erase my data". p This will erase all of your data from the server, and delete the identifying cookie from your web browser.