const q = s => document.querySelector(s) // write this directly rather than importing to avoid an extra round-trip let status = q("#status") const form = q("#form") const data = q("#video-data") function displayError(root) { let contents if (root instanceof Error) { // error in our code here, or fetch API promise rejection contents = root.toString() if (root.stack) contents += root.stack } else { // some JSON something if (root.error) { // a descriptive report from the instance contents = root.error.message || root.error if (root.error.identifier) contents += `\nIdentifier: ${root.error.identifier}` } else { contents = JSON.stringify(root, null, 2) } } console.log(contents) const newStatus = document.createElement("pre") = "status" newStatus.textContent = contents status.replaceWith(newStatus) status = newStatus } fetch(`http://localhost:3000/api/v1/videos/${id}`).then(res => res.json()).then(root => { if (root.error) { throw root // it's ok to throw this, it will be caught and displayed } data.value = JSON.stringify(root) form.submit() status.textContent = "Submitting..." }).catch(e => { if (e.message && e.message.includes("NetworkError")) { status.textContent = "Connection failed. Make sure you're running your own instance locally." } else { displayError(e) } })