class V { constructor() { this.chain = [] this.state = {} this.finished = false this.endValue = null } with(preset) { this.check(...preset) return this } check(conditionCallback, elseCallback) { this.chain.push(() => { if (!conditionCallback(this.state)) this._end(elseCallback(this.state)) }) return this } last(callback) { this.chain.push(() => { this._end(callback(this.state)) }) return this } go() { for (const s of this.chain) { s() if (this.finished) return this.endValue } return { statusCode: 500, contentType: "application/json", content: { error: "Reached end of V chain without response" } } } _end(value) { this.finished = true this.endValue = value } } function presetLoad(additions) { return [ state => { Object.assign(state, additions) return true }, null ] } function presetURLParamsBody() { return [ state => { try { state.params = new URLSearchParams(state.body.toString()) return true } catch (e) { console.error(e) return false } }, () => { return { statusCode: 400, contentType: "application/json", content: { error: "Could not parse body as URLSearchParams" } } } ] } module.exports.V = V module.exports.presetLoad = presetLoad module.exports.presetURLParamsBody = presetURLParamsBody