diff --git a/pug/cant-think.pug b/pug/cant-think.pug index 2f88367..05b876c 100644 --- a/pug/cant-think.pug +++ b/pug/cant-think.pug @@ -75,5 +75,5 @@ block content p.the-end Well, looks like you reached the end of the content.#[br]You know what happens now. h3 Recommended videos - +video_list_item("related-video", {videoId: "jKKCF_Bqtw4", title: "dopamine review", author: "Jreg", authorId: "UCGSGPehp0RWfca-kENgBJ9Q", viewCountText: "84,651 views"}) - +video_list_item("related-video", {videoId: "gLYWLobR248", title: "I Watch My YouTube Videos At 2x Speed", author: "Jreg", authorId: "UCGSGPehp0RWfca-kENgBJ9Q", viewCountText: "125,625 views"}) + +video_list_item("related-video", {videoId: "jKKCF_Bqtw4", title: "dopamine review", author: "Jreg", authorId: "UCGSGPehp0RWfca-kENgBJ9Q", viewCountText: "84,651 views", second__lengthText: "3:10"}) + +video_list_item("related-video", {videoId: "gLYWLobR248", title: "I Watch My YouTube Videos At 2x Speed", author: "Jreg", authorId: "UCGSGPehp0RWfca-kENgBJ9Q", viewCountText: "125,625 views", second__lengthText: "2:24"})