mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/bibliogram synced 2024-10-05 01:37:28 +00:00
2020-07-31 02:44:28 +12:00

224 lines
6.4 KiB

// @ts-check
const path = require("path")
const readline = require("readline")
const fs = require("fs")
const logPath = process.argv[2]
if (!logPath) {
console.log("Specify the path to the nginx log file as a command line argument.")
const outPath = "./dates.csv"
const reader = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(logPath),
class MapOfNumber {
constructor() {
this.backing = new Map()
add(key) {
this.backing.set(key, this.get(key) + 1)
get(key) {
return this.backing.has(key) ? this.backing.get(key) : 0
sort() {
return [...this.backing.entries()].sort((a, b) => (b[1] - a[1]))
* @template K,V
class MapOfArray {
constructor() {
/** @type {Map<K, V[]>} */
this.backing = new Map()
add(key, value) {
if (this.backing.has(key)) {
this.backing.get(key).push(key, value)
} else {
this.backing.set(key, [value])
get(key) {
return this.backing.has(key) ? this.backing.get(key) : []
class DateCollection {
constructor(startTime, interval) {
this.startTime = startTime
this.interval = interval
/** @type {Map<string, number[]>} */
this.backing = new Map()
timestampToIndex(timestamp) {
return Math.floor((timestamp - this.startTime) / this.interval)
add(key, timestamp) {
const index = this.timestampToIndex(timestamp)
let row
if (!this.backing.has(key)) {
row = []
this.backing.set(key, [])
} else {
row = this.backing.get(key)
while (row.length < index+1) {
// ip, date, method, path, status, bytes, userAgent
const regex = /^([^ ]+) - - \[([^\]]+)\] "([A-Z]+) ([^"]+) HTTP\/(?:1.0|1.1|2.0)" ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) "([^"]*)"$/
function parseLine(line) {
const result = line.match(regex)
if (!result) {
// console.log("Line didn't match regular expression:")
// console.log(line)
return null
} else {
return {
ip: result[1],
date: result[2],
method: result[3],
path: result[4],
status: result[5],
bytes: +result[6],
userAgent: result[7]
const additionalStatic = ["/android-chrome-512x512.png", "/safari-pinned-tab.svg", "/robots.txt", "/bibliogram.webmanifest", "/apple-touch-icon.png", "/favicon-32x32.png", "/favicon-16x16.png", "/favicon.ico", "/android-chrome-192x192.png"]
let total = 0
let ipv4c = 0
let ipv6c = 0
const ipSet = new Set()
let kinds = {
proxied: 0,
feed: 0,
users: 0,
posts: 0,
static: 0,
userFragments: 0,
postFragments: 0,
fpredirects: 0,
home: 0,
api: 0
const statuses = new MapOfNumber()
const ips = new MapOfNumber()
/** @type {DateCollection} */
let dateCollection = null
reader.on("line", line => {
const parsed = parseLine(line)
if (!parsed) return
const dateObject = new Date(parsed.date.replace(":", " "))
if (!dateCollection) {
dateCollection = new DateCollection(dateObject.getTime(), 60*60*1000)
if (parsed.ip.includes(":")) ipv6c++
else ipv4c++
let kind = null
if (parsed.path === "/") {
kind = "home";
} else if (parsed.path.startsWith("/imageproxy") || parsed.path.startsWith("/videoproxy")) {
kind = "proxied";
} else if (parsed.path.endsWith(".xml")) {
kind = "feed";
} else if (parsed.path.startsWith("/static/") || additionalStatic.includes(parsed.path)) {
kind = "static";
} else if (parsed.path.startsWith("/u/")) {
kind = "users";
} else if (parsed.path.startsWith("/p/")) {
kind = "posts";
} else if (parsed.path.startsWith("/fragment/user")) {
kind = "userFragments";
} else if (parsed.path.startsWith("/fragment/post")) {
kind = "postFragments";
} else if (parsed.path.startsWith("/u") || parsed.path.startsWith("/p")) {
kind = "fpredirects";
} else if (parsed.path.startsWith("/api/") || parsed.path === "/.well-known/nodeinfo") {
kind = "api";
} else if (parsed.status !== "404" && parsed.status !== "301") {
if (kind) {
dateCollection.add(kind, dateObject.getTime())
function numberSummary(part, total, padSize = 6) {
return `${part.toString().padStart(padSize, " ")} (${(part/total*100).toFixed(1).toString().padStart(4, " ")}%)`
reader.on("close", () => {
console.log(`${total} total requests`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(ipv4c, total)} requests over IPv4`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(ipv6c, total)} requests over IPv6`)
console.log(`${ipSet.size} unique IPs after anonymisation (#[a(href="https://bibliogram.art/privacy") see here])`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(statuses.get("200") + statuses.get("206"), total)} requests resulted in 200 OK`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(statuses.get("301") + statuses.get("302") + statuses.get("303"), total)} requests resulted in 3XX redirect`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(statuses.get("503"), total)} requests resulted in 503 Service Unavailable (blocked)`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(statuses.get("404"), total)} requests resulted in 404 Not Found`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(statuses.get("502"), total)} requests resulted in 502 Bad Gateway`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.static, total)} requests were for static content or static files`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.proxied, total)} requests were for proxied images/videos`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.feed, total)} requests were for feeds (!)`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.users, total)} requests were for users`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.userFragments, total)} requests were for user fragments (timeline continuation ajax)`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.postFragments, total)} requests were for post fragments (post overlay ajax)`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.posts, total)} requests were for posts`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.api, total)} requests were for the API`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.home, total)} requests were for the home page`)
console.log(`${numberSummary(kinds.fpredirects, total)} requests were seeking a user or post from the home page`)
const out = fs.createWriteStream(outPath)
for (const entry of dateCollection.backing) {
console.log(`Overwrote ${outPath}`)
const sorted = ips.sort()
const percentile = 98
console.log("Top 10 IPs:")
console.log(sorted.slice(0, 10))
console.log(`${percentile}th percentile:`)
console.log(sorted[Math.floor(sorted.length / 100 * (100 - percentile))])