
109 lines
4.2 KiB

const data = {...require("./base")}
const {pug} = require("./utils/functions")
;(() => {
data.meta_direction = "ltr"
data.go_to_profile = "Go to profile"
data.go_to_post = "Go to post"
data.go_username_or_url = "Username or URL"
data.go_shortcode_or_url = "Shortcode or URL"
data.go_button = "Go"
data.about_bibliogram_header = "About Bibliogram"
data.pug_about_bibliogram_content = pug(`
Bibliogram is a website that takes data from Instagram's public profile views and puts it into
a friendlier page that loads faster, gives downloadable images, eliminates ads,
generates RSS feeds, and doesn't urge you to sign up. #[a(href=(link_to_featured_profiles ? "#featured-profiles" : "/u/instagram")).example-link See an example.]
Bibliogram does #[em not] allow you to anonymously post, like, comment, follow, or view private profiles.
It does not preserve deleted posts.
data.experiencing_problems_header = "Experiencing problems with Bibliogram?"
data.t_read_more_here = "Read more here."
data.about_this_instance_header = "About this instance"
data.onion_site_available = "Onion site available"
data.t_settings = "Settings"
data.t_privacy_policy = "Privacy policy"
data.has_not_written_privacy_policy = "Owner has not written a privacy policy"
data.instance_not_blocked = "Instance is not blocked"
data.instance_partially_blocked = "Instance is partially blocked"
data.instance_blocked = "Instance is blocked"
data.rss_disabled = "RSS feeds are disabled"
data.rss_enabled = "RSS feeds are enabled"
data.external_links_header = "External links"
data.source_link = "Code on sourcehut"
data.matrix_link = "Discussion room on Matrix"
data.instances_link = "Other Bibliogram instances"
data.contact_link = "Contact the developer"
data.featured_profiles_header = "Featured profiles"
data.featured_profiles_whats_this = "What's this?"
data.html_featured_profiles_disclaimer = pug(`
p The owner of this website personally thinks that these profiles are interesting.
p These are not endorsements from the Bibliogram project.
data.verified_badge_title = "Verified"
data.verified_badge_alt = "Verified."
data.post_counter_label = "posts"
data.outgoing_follows_counter_label = "Following"
data.incoming_follows_counter_label = "Followed by"
data.quota_left = "Quota left:"
data.t_home = "Home"
data.tab_timeline = "Timeline"
data.tab_igtv = "IGTV"
data.next_page_button = "Next page"
data.next_page_button_loading = "Loading..."
data.profile_is_private_notice = "Profile is private."
data.no_posts_notice = "No posts."
data.no_more_posts_notice = "No more posts."
data.fn_page_divider = number => `Page ${number}`
data.pug_post_timestamp = pug(`
| Posted on #[time( data-local-date)= post.getDisplayDate()].
// settings
data.t_features = "Features"
data.t_language = "Language"
data.save_data = "Save data"
data.t_automatic = "Automatic"
data.t_off = "Off"
data.lazy_load = "Lazy load"
data.t_full = "Full"
data.rewrite_youtube = "Rewrite YouTube domain"
data.rewrite_twitter = "Rewrite Twitter domain"
data.remove_trailing_hashtags = "Hide trailing hashtags"
data.t_hide = "Hide"
data.link_hashtags = "Clickable hashtags"
data.t_clickable = "Clickable"
data.show_comments = "Display comments"
data.t_display = "Display"
data.fast_navigation = "Fast navigation"
data.t_enabled = "Enabled"
data.infinite_scroll = "Infinite scroll"
data.t_normal = "Normal"
data.t_eager = "Eager"
data.t_manual = "Manual"
data.t_appearance = "Appearance"
data.t_theme = "Theme"
data.display_top_nav = "Display top bar"
data.t_always = "Always"
data.timeline_columns = "Timeline columns"
data.t_dynamic = "Dynamic"
data.three_columns = "3 columns"
data.four_columns = "4 columns"
data.six_columns = "6 columns"
data.caption_side = "Caption side"
data.left_caption = "Left (Bibliogram)"
data.right_caption = "Right (Instagram)"
data.display_alt_text = "Display alt text inline"
data.t_return = "Return"
data.t_save = "Save"
data.save_and_return = "Save & return"
data.pug_restore_sync_settings = pug(`
| You can restore and sync saved settings by #[a(href="/applysettings/"+token)#restore-link bookmarking this link.]
data.settings_saved = "Saved."
module.exports = data