
26 lines
954 B

//- Needs isProxyNetwork
include includes/error.pug
doctype html
title= `Quota reached | Bibliogram`
include includes/head
+error(429, "Quota reached", true)
| Each person has a limited number of requests to Bibliogram.
| You have reached that limit. You cannot load any more data on this instance.
| Your quota will reset automatically after some time has passed.
if isProxyNetwork
| However, this website has detected that you are using a proxy network, like Tor or a VPN.
| To prevent bot abuse, all users on proxy networks share the same request quota.
| If you are automatically collecting data from Bibliogram, please do not!
| #[a(href="") You can easily run your own copy with no quota.] / #[a(href="") Get in touch if you want help? <3]