//- Needs website_origin, instancesURL, username, expiresMinutes? include includes/error.pug doctype html html#bibliogram-identifier-blocked head title= `Blocked | Bibliogram` include includes/head script(src=getStaticURL("html", "/static/js/user_available_waiter.js") type="module") body div(data-username=username)#data .error-page h1.code 503 p.message Blocked by Instagram p.explanation | Instagram is temporarily refusing to provide data to this server. .width-block #dynamic-status-area ul li | #[a(href="#unblock-on-mac-or-linux") Unblock with shell], no download, Mac and Linux only .hidden-section#unblock-on-mac-or-linux p Open the Terminal application, then paste this code: pre curl -Ss #{website_origin}/u/#{username}/unblock.sh | $SHELL li | #[a(href="#unblock-with-userscript") Unblock automatically with userscript], any modern browser .hidden-section#unblock-with-userscript p If you don't already have a userscript manager, install #[a(href="https://violentmonkey.github.io/get-it/") Violentmonkey] (open source) or #[a(href="https://www.tampermonkey.net/") Tampermonkey] (closed source) p #[a(href="/userscripts/unblock.user.js") Open this link.] You should be prompted to install the script. Press "Confirm installation" on that page. p Reload this page. li To learn more, #[a(href="https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram/wiki/Rate-limits") read about blocking.] li You may be able to avoid this by #[a(href="https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram/wiki/Instances") browsing on another instance.] li It's good to read scripts to see what they do. #[a(href=`${website_origin}/u/${username}/unblock.sh`) Read ./unblock.sh] a(href="/").back ↵ Return home