/* Welcome to the constants file! Copy a key and provide a new value in /config.js to override the value here. Please read the comments above every section! */ let constants = { // Things that server owners _should_ change! // Protocol and domain that the website can be accessed on. Images and links in RSS feeds start with this URL. // Do NOT include a trailing slash. If you leave this as localhost, Bibliogram will not work correctly when accessed from any other device. // If you are using nginx to make Bibliogram accessible on port 80/443, do NOT write a port here. // For example, "https://bibliogram.art" website_origin: "http://localhost:10407", // IP address to bind to. // "" will make the server reachable on all IPv4 interfaces. // "::" will make the server reachable on all IPv6 interfaces, and maybe also IPv4. (https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_server_listen_port_host_backlog_callback) // If you run nginx, you must change the nginx config instead. bind_ip: "", // Port to actually run the webserver on. port: 10407, // You MUST read /src/site/pug/privacy.pug.template before changing has_privacy_policy! has_privacy_policy: false, // If your instance is also available as an onion site, add the onion URL here. // It should look something like "http://3gldbgtv5e4god56.onion" (no trailing slash). onion_location: null, // Things that server owners _could_ change if they want to. tor: { enabled: false, // If false, everything else in this block has no effect. password: null, // If `null`, Bibliogram will run its own Tor process instead. port: 9051, // If a password is provided, Bibliogram will connect to Tor on this port. (This is ignored when running its own Tor process.) for: { user_html: false, timeline_graphql: false, post_graphql: false, reel_graphql: false } }, request_backend: "node-fetch", // one of: "node-fetch", "got" // After setting your privacy policy, I suggest you read src/site/html/.well-known/dnt-policy.txt. If you comply with it, // change this to `true` to serve it, which will make extensions like Privacy Badger automatically whitelist the domain. does_not_track: false, allow_user_from_reel: "iweb", // legacy. this must be "iweb" now. proxy_media: { // Whether to proxy media (images, videos, thumbnails) through Bibliogram. This is strongly recommended to protect user privacy. If proxy is turned off, some browser content blockers may break all images since they are served from Facebook domains. image: true, video: true, thumbnail: true }, feeds: { // Whether feeds are enabled. enabled: true, // Whether to display links to feeds on pages. display_links: true, // Whether to display the `v!` link to validate a feed. display_validation_links: false, // This feed message field allows you to insert a custom message into all RSS feeds to inform users of important changes, // such as feeds being disabled forever on that instance. feed_message: { enabled: false, // If the feed message is enabled, then `id` MUST be supplied. // Please set it to `bibliogram:feed_announcement/your.domain/1` // replacing `your.domain` with the address of your own domain, // and incrementing `1` every time you make a new announcement (to make sure the IDs are unique). id: "", // The timestamp that you disabled feeds at. For example, if you disabled feeds forever starting at 2020-04-01T12:00:00 UTC, // you should set this to 1585742400000. timestamp: 0, // The title of the feed item. title: "Important message from Bibliogram", // The text of the message. message: "There is an important message about feeds on this Bibliogram instance. Please visit this link to read the message: ", // The link address. link: "https://your.domain/feedannouncement" }, feed_disabled_max_age: 2*24*60*60 // 2 days }, // Themes. `file` is the filename without extension. `name` is the display name on the settings page. // If you make your own theme, I encourage you to submit a pull request for it! themes: { // If you want to disable some official themes, then create an entry that replaces this array in config.js. // Format: `{file: string, name: string}[]` official: [ {file: "classic", name: "Vanilla sard"}, {file: "blue", name: "Vanilla sky"}, {file: "discord", name: "Discord dark"}, {file: "pitchblack", name: "Pitch black"}, {file: "pussthecat.org", name: "PussTheCat.org dark v1"}, {file: "pussthecat.org-v2", name: "PussTheCat.org dark v2"}, ], // To add your own theme, create an entry that replaces this array in config.js, then add your theme to it. // Format: `{file: string, name: string}[]` custom: [ ], // If you want your custom theme to be the default for your instance, don't forget to set it here! // For good UI, you probably also want the default entry to be the first thing in the selection box. default: "classic", // This sets which order the themes appear in in the list on the settings page. sort: { // This sets whether the order is custom + official, or official + custom order: "custom_first", // "custom_first", "official_first" // To selectively override that order, add things to this array. // If you set it to `["blue", "midnight"]` then the theme with file name `blue` will be hoisted to the top, // the theme with file name `midnight` will be below it, and all other themes will appear below those. // Format: `string[]` manual: [] }, // These arrays should be empty, do not edit them! collated: [], collatedFiles: [] }, default_user_settings: { language: "en", rewrite_youtube: "redirect.invidious.io", rewrite_twitter: "nitter.net" }, quota: { enabled: false, timeframe: 20*60*60*1000, count: 50, ip_mode: "header", // one of: "header", "address" ip_header: "x-forwarded-for", track: false }, user_settings: [ { name: "language", default: "en", boolean: false, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true // set this to false if the control is a checkbox and is not disabled },{ name: "show_comments", default: "", boolean: true, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true },{ name: "remove_trailing_hashtags", default: "", boolean: true, replaceEmptyWithDefault: false },{ name: "link_hashtags", default: "", boolean: true, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true },{ name: "spa", default: "on", boolean: true, replaceEmptyWithDefault: false },{ name: "infinite_scroll", default: "off", boolean: false, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true },{ name: "caption_side", default: "left", boolean: false, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true },{ name: "display_alt", default: "", boolean: true, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true },{ name: "timeline_columns", default: "dynamic", boolean: false, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true },{ name: "display_top_nav", default: "", boolean: true, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true },{ name: "save_data", default: "automatic", boolean: false, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true },{ name: "rewrite_youtube", default: "", boolean: false, replaceEmptyWithDefault: false },{ name: "rewrite_twitter", default: "", boolean: false, replaceEmptyWithDefault: false } ], featured_profiles: [ ], use_assistant: { enabled: false, assistants: [ ], offline_request_cooldown: 20*60*1000, blocked_request_cooldown: 0 }, as_assistant: { enabled: false, // You can still start just the assistant with npm run assistant. require_key: false, // List of keys that are allowed access. You can use any string. // Try `crypto.randomBytes(20).toString("hex")` to get some randomness. keys: [] }, caching: { image_cache_control: `public, max-age=${7*24*60*60}`, resource_cache_time: 30*60*1000, instance_list_cache_time: 3*60*1000, cache_sweep_interval: 3*60*1000, csrf_time: 60*60*1000, self_blocked_status: { user_html: { enabled: true, time: 2*60*60*1000 }, timeline_graphql: { enabled: true, time: 2*60*60*1000 } }, db_user_id: true, db_post_n3: false, db_request_history: false }, // Instagram uses this stuff. This shouldn't be changed, except to fix a bug that hasn't yet been fixed upstream. external: { reel_query_hash: "c9100bf9110dd6361671f113dd02e7d6", timeline_query_hash: "69cba40317214236af40e7efa697781d", timeline_query_hash_2: "42323d64886122307be10013ad2dcc44", // https://github.com/rarcega/instagram-scraper/blob/dc022081dbefc81500c5f70cce5c70cfd2816e3c/instagram_scraper/constants.py#L30 shortcode_query_hash: "2b0673e0dc4580674a88d426fe00ea90", igtv_query_hash: "bc78b344a68ed16dd5d7f264681c4c76", timeline_fetch_first: 12, igtv_fetch_first: 12, username_regex: "[\\w.]*[\\w]", shortcode_regex: "[\\w-]+", hashtag_regex: "[^ \\n`~!@#\\$%^&*()\\-=+[\\]{};:\"',<.>/?\\\\]+", reserved_paths: [ // https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/bibliogram-docs/tree/master/docs/Reserved%20URLs.md // Redirects "about", "explore", "support", "press", "api", "privacy", "safety", "admin", // Content "embed.js", // Not found, but likely reserved "graphql", "accounts", "p", "help", "terms", "contact", "blog", "igtv" ] }, resources: { instances_wiki_raw: "https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/bibliogram-docs/blob/master/docs/Instances.md", saved_requests_location: "https://meta.bibliogram.art/saved_requests/" }, // My code uses this stuff. Server owners have no reason to change it. symbols: { NO_MORE_PAGES: Symbol("NO_MORE_PAGES"), TYPE_IMAGE: Symbol("TYPE_IMAGE"), TYPE_VIDEO: Symbol("TYPE_VIDEO"), TYPE_GALLERY: Symbol("TYPE_GALLERY"), TYPE_GALLERY_IMAGE: Symbol("TYPE_GALLERY_IMAGE"), TYPE_GALLERY_VIDEO: Symbol("TYPE_GALLERY_VIDEO"), NOT_FOUND: Symbol("NOT_FOUND"), INSTAGRAM_DEMANDS_LOGIN: Symbol("INSTAGRAM_DEMANDS_LOGIN"), RATE_LIMITED: Symbol("RATE_LIMITED"), INSTAGRAM_BLOCK_TYPE_DECEMBER: Symbol("INSTAGRAM_BLOCK_TYPE_DECEMBER"), ENDPOINT_OVERRIDDEN: Symbol("ENDPOINT_OVERRIDDEN"), NO_ASSISTANTS_AVAILABLE: Symbol("NO_ASSISTANTS_AVAILABLE"), QUOTA_REACHED: Symbol("QUOTA_REACHED"), extractor_results: { SUCCESS: Symbol("SUCCESS"), AGE_RESTRICTED: Symbol("AGE_RESTRICTED"), NO_SHARED_DATA: Symbol("NO_SHARED_DATA") }, assistant_statuses: { OFFLINE: Symbol("OFFLINE"), BLOCKED: Symbol("BLOCKED"), OK: Symbol("OK"), NONE: Symbol("NONE"), NOT_AUTHENTICATED: Symbol("NOT_AUTHENTICATED") }, fetch_context: { RSS: Symbol("RSS"), ASSISTANT: Symbol("ASSISTANT") } }, secrets: { push_webhook_token: null }, additional_routes: [], database_version: 10, actually_backup_on_database_upgrade: true, // enable this to display: "MISSING STRING: string_id" instead of the English version for all untranslated strings language_dev: false } // Override values from config and export the result const md = require("mixin-deep") if (process.env.BIBLIOGRAM_CONFIG) { // presence of environment variable BIBLIOGRAM_CONFIG overrides /config.js const config = JSON.parse(process.env.BIBLIOGRAM_CONFIG) constants = md(constants, config) } else { const config = require("../../config") constants = md(constants, config) } // Set theme settings constants.user_settings.push({ name: "theme", default: constants.themes.default, boolean: false, replaceEmptyWithDefault: true }) let pool if (constants.themes.sort.order === "custom_first") { pool = [].concat(constants.themes.custom, constants.themes.official) } else if (constants.themes.sort.order === "official_first") { pool = [].concat(constants.themes.official, constants.themes.custom) } for (const file of constants.themes.sort.manual) { const index = pool.findIndex(row => row.file === file) if (index !== -1) { const removed = pool.splice(index, 1)[0] constants.themes.collated.push(removed) } } constants.themes.collated = constants.themes.collated.concat(pool) constants.themes.collatedFiles = constants.themes.collatedFiles.concat(pool.map(row => row.file)) module.exports = constants