const constants = require("../../lib/constants") const lang = require("../../lang") const switcher = require("../../lib/utils/torswitcher") const {fetchUser, getOrFetchShortcode, userRequestCache, history, assistantSwitcher} = require("../../lib/collectors") const {render, redirect, getStaticURL} = require("pinski/plugins") const {pugCache} = require("../passthrough") const {getSettings} = require("./utils/getsettings") const {getSettingsReferrer} = require("./utils/settingsreferrer") const quota = require("../../lib/quota") /** @param {import("../../lib/structures/TimelineEntry")} post */ function getPageTitle(post) { return (post.getCaptionIntroduction() || `Post from @${post.getBasicOwner().username}`) + " | Bibliogram" } function getPostAndQuota(req, shortcode) { if (quota.remaining(req) === 0) { throw constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED } return getOrFetchShortcode(shortcode).then(async ({post, fromCache: fromCache1}) => { const {fromCache: fromCache2} = await post.fetchChildren() const {fromCache: fromCache3} = await post.fetchExtendedOwnerP() // serial await is okay since intermediate fetch result is cached const {fromCache: fromCache4} = await post.fetchVideoURL() // if post is not a video, function will just return, so this is fine // I'd _love_ to be able to put these in an array, but I can't destructure directly into one, so this is easier. const quotaUsed = (fromCache1 && fromCache2 && fromCache3 && fromCache4) ? 0 : 1 // if any of them is false then one request was needed to get the post. const remaining = quota.add(req, quotaUsed) return {post, remaining} }) } module.exports = [ { route: "/", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req}) => { const settings = getSettings(req) return render(200, "pug/home.pug", { settings, settingsReferrer: getSettingsReferrer("/"), rssEnabled: constants.feeds.enabled, allUnblocked: history.testNoneBlocked() || assistantSwitcher.displaySomeUnblocked(), torAvailable: switcher.canUseTor(), hasPrivacyPolicy: constants.has_privacy_policy, onionLocation: constants.onion_location }) } }, { route: "/privacy", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req}) => { const settings = getSettings(req) if (constants.has_privacy_policy && pugCache.has("pug/privacy.pug")) { return render(200, "pug/privacy.pug", {settings}) } else { return render(404, "pug/friendlyerror.pug", { statusCode: 404, title: "No privacy policy", message: "No privacy policy", explanation: "The owner of this instance has not actually written a privacy policy." +"\nIf you own this instance, please read the file stored at /src/site/pug/privacy.pug.template.", settings }) } } }, { route: `/u`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({url}) => { if (url.searchParams.has("u")) { let username = url.searchParams.get("u") username = username.replace(/^(https?:\/\/)?([a-z]+\.)?instagram\.com\//, "") username = username.replace(/^\@+/, "") username = username.replace(/\/+$/, "") username = username.toLowerCase() return redirect(`/u/${username}`, 301) } else { return render(400, "pug/friendlyerror.pug", { statusCode: 400, title: "Bad request", message: "Expected a username", explanation: "Write /u/{username} or /u?u={username}.", withInstancesLink: false }) } } }, { route: `/u/(${constants.external.username_regex})(/channel)?`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, url, fill}) => { const username = fill[0] const type = fill[1] ? "igtv" : "timeline" if (username !== username.toLowerCase()) { // some capital letters return redirect(`/u/${username.toLowerCase()}`, 301) } const settings = getSettings(req) const params = url.searchParams try { if (quota.remaining(req) === 0) { throw constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED } const {user, quotaUsed} = await fetchUser(username) let remaining = quota.add(req, quotaUsed) const selectedTimeline = user[type] let pageNumber = +params.get("page") if (isNaN(pageNumber) || pageNumber < 1) pageNumber = 1 const pageIndex = pageNumber - 1 const pagesNeeded = pageNumber - selectedTimeline.pages.length if (pagesNeeded > remaining) { throw constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED } const quotaUsed2 = await selectedTimeline.fetchUpToPage(pageIndex) remaining = quota.add(req, quotaUsed2) const followerCountsAvailable = !( === "ReelUser" && user.following === 0 && user.followedBy === 0) return render(200, "pug/user.pug", { url, user, selectedTimeline, type, followerCountsAvailable, constants, settings, settingsReferrer: getSettingsReferrer(req.url), remaining }) } catch (error) { if (error === constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND || error === constants.symbols.ENDPOINT_OVERRIDDEN) { return render(404, "pug/friendlyerror.pug", { statusCode: 404, title: "Not found", message: "This user doesn't exist.", withInstancesLink: false, settings }) } else if (error === constants.symbols.INSTAGRAM_DEMANDS_LOGIN) { return { statusCode: 503, contentType: "text/html", headers: { "Retry-After": userRequestCache.getTtl("user/"+username, 1000) }, content: pugCache.get("pug/blocked.pug").web({ website_origin: constants.website_origin, username, expiresMinutes: userRequestCache.getTtl("user/"+username, 1000*60), getStaticURL, settings, lang }) } } else if (error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) { return render(503, "pug/blocked_graphql.pug") } else if (error === constants.symbols.extractor_results.AGE_RESTRICTED) { return render(403, "pug/age_gated.pug", {settings}) } else if (error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED) { const isProxyNetwork = quota.isProxyNetwork(req) return render(429, "pug/quota_reached.pug", {isProxyNetwork}) } else { throw error } } } }, { route: `/fragment/user/(${constants.external.username_regex})/(\\d+)`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, url, fill}) => { const username = fill[0] let pageNumber = +fill[1] if (isNaN(pageNumber) || pageNumber < 1) { return { statusCode: 400, contentType: "text/html", content: "Bad page number" } } let type = url.searchParams.get("type") if (!["timeline", "igtv"].includes(type)) type = "timeline" try { if (quota.remaining(req) === 0) { throw constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED } const settings = getSettings(req) const {user, quotaUsed} = await fetchUser(username) const remaining = quota.add(req, quotaUsed) const pageIndex = pageNumber - 1 const selectedTimeline = user[type] const pagesNeeded = pageNumber - selectedTimeline.pages.length if (pagesNeeded > remaining) { throw constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED } const quotaUsed2 = await selectedTimeline.fetchUpToPage(pageIndex) quota.add(req, quotaUsed2) if (selectedTimeline.pages[pageIndex]) { return render(200, "pug/fragments/timeline_page.pug", {page: selectedTimeline.pages[pageIndex], selectedTimeline, type, pageIndex, user, url, settings}) } else { return { statusCode: 400, contentType: "text/html", content: "That page does not exist." } } } catch (error) { if (error === constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND || error === constants.symbols.ENDPOINT_OVERRIDDEN) { return render(404, "pug/friendlyerror.pug", { statusCode: 404, title: "Not found", message: "This user doesn't exist.", withInstancesLink: false }) } else if (error === constants.symbols.INSTAGRAM_DEMANDS_LOGIN || error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) { return render(503, "pug/fragments/timeline_loading_blocked.pug") } else if (error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED) { return render(429, "pug/fragments/quota_reached.pug") } else { throw error } } } }, { route: `/fragment/post/(${constants.external.shortcode_regex})`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, fill}) => { const shortcode = fill[0] const settings = getSettings(req) try { const {post, remaining} = await getPostAndQuota(req, shortcode) return { statusCode: 200, contentType: "application/json", content: { title: getPageTitle(post), html: pugCache.get("pug/fragments/post.pug").web({lang, post, settings, getStaticURL}), quota: remaining } } } catch (error) { if (error === constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND || constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED || error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED) { const statusCode = error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED ? 429 : 503 return { statusCode, contentType: "application/json", content: { redirectTo: `/p/${shortcode}` } } } else { throw error } } } }, { route: "/p", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({url}) => { if (url.searchParams.has("p")) { let post = url.searchParams.get("p") post = post.replace(/^(https?:\/\/)?([a-z]+\.)?instagram\.com\/p\//, "") return redirect(`/p/${post}`, 301) } else { return render(400, "pug/friendlyerror.pug", { statusCode: 400, title: "Bad request", message: "Expected a shortcode", explanation: "Write /p/{shortcode} or /p?p={shortcode}.", withInstancesLink: false }) } } }, { route: `/p/(${constants.external.shortcode_regex})`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, fill}) => { const shortcode = fill[0] const settings = getSettings(req) try { const {post} = await getPostAndQuota(req, shortcode) return render(200, "pug/post.pug", { title: getPageTitle(post), post, website_origin: constants.website_origin, settings }) } catch (error) { if (error === constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND) { return render(404, "pug/friendlyerror.pug", { statusCode: 404, title: "Not found", message: "Somehow, you reached a post that doesn't exist.", withInstancesLink: false, settings }) } else if (error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) { return render(503, "pug/blocked_graphql.pug") } else if (error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED) { const isProxyNetwork = quota.isProxyNetwork(req) return render(429, "pug/quota_reached.pug", {isProxyNetwork}) } else { throw error } } } } ]