# [Bibliogram](https://bibliogram.art) [![Humane Tech badge.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram/master/art/humane-tech-badge.svg?sanitize=true)](https://github.com/humanetech-community/awesome-humane-tech#readme) ![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/cloudrac3r/bibliogram) [![Discussion on Matrix.](https://img.shields.io/matrix/bibliogram:matrix.org?label=%23bibliogram&logo=matrix)](https://matrix.to/#/#bibliogram:matrix.org) ## An alternative front-end for Instagram. Bibliogram works without client-side JavaScript, has no ads or tracking, and doesn't urge you to sign up. See also: [Invidious, a front-end for YouTube.](https://github.com/omarroth/invidious) Join the Bibliogram discussion room on Matrix: [#bibliogram:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#bibliogram:matrix.org) ## Features - [x] View profile and timeline - [x] Infinite scroll - [x] User memory cache - [x] RSS (latest 12 posts) - [x] View post - [x] Galleries - [x] Homepage - [x] Videos - [x] Galleries of videos - [x] Optimised for mobile - [x] Instance list - [x] Clickable usernames and hashtags - [x] Proper error checking - [x] Favicon - [ ] Image disk cache - [ ] Settings (e.g. data saving) - [ ] List view - [ ] IGTV - [ ] Test suite - [ ] Rate limiting - [ ] Public API - [ ] Explore hashtags - [ ] Explore locations - [ ] _more...?_ These features may not be able to be implemented for technical reasons: - Stories These features will not be added, unless you ask _reallllly_ nicely: - Comments - Tagging users These features will not be added, and I will not investigate adding them: - Viewing or interacting with a private profile's timeline ## Instances The official instance is on https://bibliogram.art. You can see a list of instances run by the community [on the wiki page](https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram/wiki/Instances). If you only use one computer, you can install Bibliogram on that computer and then access the instance through localhost. ## Installing Quick setup, if you've run webservers before: 1. Install [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) (^12.13.0 suggested) 1. `$ git clone https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram` If you are using a fork, be sure to actually install that fork instead! 1. `$ cd bibliogram` 1. `$ npm install --no-optional` (for Tor support, omit `--no-optional`) 1. Edit `/config.js` to suit your server environment 1. `$ npm start` Bibliogram is now running on ``. After installing, you _must_ configure `website_origin`. See [Wiki:Installing](https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram/wiki/Installing) and [Wiki:Configuring](https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram/wiki/Configuring) for more details. Problems? [Wiki:Troubleshooting](https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram/wiki/Troubleshooting) You can also deploy on Heroku, though I personally would not recommend this. [Get started with Heroku.](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram) ## User-facing endpoints - `/` - homepage - `/u/{username}` - load a user's profile and timeline - `/u/{username}/rss.xml` - get the RSS feed for a user - `/u/{username}/atom.xml` - get the Atom feed for a user - `/p/{shortcode}` - load a post - `/privacy` - privacy policy ## Credits & license information Site banner by [TheFrenchGhosty](https://gitlab.com/TheFrenchGhosty), [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) Site font is [Bariol](http://atipofoundry.com/fonts/bariol) by [atipo foundry](http://atipofoundry.com/), located in /src/site/html/static/fonts. Proprietary license, used with permission. See http://atipofoundry.com/license, section "webfont license".