//- ============================================================================ Welcome. Please read this entire section before you start writing. It is important for instance owners to provide a privacy policy so that their users understand what data is collected and how it is used. This is a Pug file. https://pugjs.org/ You can write any valid Pug here, but no variables are imported for you to use. If you are unfamiliar with Pug, you can also write HTML tags. You can mix Pug and HTML in this file. Get started by following these instructions: 1. Copy this file from /src/site/pug/privacy.pug.template to /src/site/pug/privacy.pug 2. Edit this file to represent the actual privacy policy of your service. You will likely need to delete or create entire sections of text. 3. Open /config.js and add the pair `has_privacy_policy: true` to mark your instance as having a privacy policy. The policy will be linked on the homepage and a feature will be added to /api/stats. If you prefer to set your privacy policy through other software like nginx, you may just set the pair in config.js without following steps 1-2. Set up a rule for the URL `/privacy` to either serve a page or redirect somewhere. If you choose to do that, Bibliogram will not be able to apply meta tags or CSS to your page. ============================================================================ html head title Privacy policy | Bibliogram include includes/head body.privacy-policy article h1 Privacy policy section //- This data is collected by the Bibliogram software itself. It is likely the same for your instance, unless you have set special settings to change it. h2 Data collected by Bibliogram p. Bibliogram logs all incoming request URLs and the time of the request to the console, but does not log headers, IP addresses, or other information. These logs are not stored on disk. p. Bibliogram has a database that stores the usernames and IDs of viewed users, and all data about viewed posts. This data is not linked with the user that requested it. section //- This data is not collected by Bibliogram, and is specific to your server, and is entirely within your control. If you operate under a "no logs" policy, you can likely delete this entire section. h2 Data collected by nginx p. This server uses nginx as a reverse proxy to Bibliogram. nginx is configured to use the default logging settings, which means that this data is logged: ul li Request timestamp li Request URL li IP address li Reported user agent li Reported referrer p. These logs are saved to disk and stored indefinitely. section //- I sure hope you're not sending user data anywhere, but if you actually are, you'll need to change this section. If you use Google Analytics or similar software, you could write about it here. h2 Sending data p. Data collected by Bibliogram is not public and is never sent to any external services. section h2 Exporting or deleting your data p. Since Bibliogram does not associate any data with a user identifier, we cannot export or delete "your" data since we have no concept of "you". //- Remember that you can create or delete entire sections containing whatever content you want! section.return-home div a(href="/") ← Back to homepage