//- Needs constants, settings, csrf, status, message mixin fieldset(name) fieldset legend= name .fieldset-contents block mixin input(id, description, placeholder, disabled) .field-row label.description(for=id)= description input(type="text" id=id name=id value=settings[id] placeholder=placeholder disabled=disabled) mixin checkbox(id, description, label, disabled) .field-row.checkbox-row label.description(for=id)= description input.checkbox(type="checkbox" id=id name=id checked=(settings[id] !== 0) disabled=disabled autocomplete="off") label.pill(for=id tabindex=(disabled ? null : 0) onkeypress=`[" ", "Enter"].includes(event.key) && this.click()`)= label span.fake-checkbox mixin select(id, description, disabled, options) .field-row label.description(for=id)= description select(id=id name=id disabled=disabled) each option in options option(value=option.value selected=(option.value === settings[id]))= option.text doctype html html head title Settings | Bibliogram include includes/head script(src=getStaticURL("html", "/static/js/settings_message.js") type="module") body.settings-page if status && message .status-notice(class=status)= message main.settings form(action=returnAction method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded") input(type="hidden" name="csrf" value=csrf) h1 Settings +fieldset("Features") +select("language", "Language", true, [ {value: "en", text: "English (International)"}, {value: "en-us", text: "English (US)"} ]) +select("save_data", "Save data", true, [ {value: "automatic", text: "Automatic"}, {value: "off", text: "Off"}, {value: "lazy_load", text: "Lazy load"}, {value: "full", text: "Full"} ]) +input("rewrite_youtube", "Rewrite YouTube domain", "youtube.com", true) +input("rewrite_twitter", "Rewrite Twitter domain", "twitter.com", true) +checkbox("remove_trailing_hashtags", "Hide trailing hashtags", "Hide", false) +checkbox("link_hashtags", "Clickable hashtags", "Clickable", true) +checkbox("show_comments", "Display comments", "Display", true) +checkbox("spa", "Fast navigation", "Enabled", false) +select("infinite_scroll", "Infinite scroll", true, [ {value: "normal", text: "Normal"}, {value: "eager", text: "Eager"}, {value: "off", text: "Manual"} ]) +fieldset("Appearance") +select("theme", "Theme", false, constants.themes.collated.map(entry => ({value: entry.file, text: entry.name}))) +checkbox("display_top_nav", "Display top bar", "Always", false) +select("timeline_columns", "Timeline columns", false, [ {value: "dynamic", text: "Dynamic"}, {value: "three", text: "3 columns"}, {value: "four", text: "4 columns"}, {value: "six", text: "6 columns"} ]) +select("caption_side", "Caption side", false, [ {value: "left", text: "Left (Bibliogram)"}, {value: "right", text: "Right (Instagram)"} ]) +checkbox("display_alt", "Display alt text inline", "Display", false) //- div //- Here are all the possible input styles. Uncomment to test styling. - let i = 2 - let id = 0 - let thisID while --i >= 0 fieldset legend Style demo .field-row - thisID = "in"+(id++) label.description(for=thisID) Placeholder input(type="text" placeholder="Placeholder" id=thisID) .field-row - thisID = "in"+(id++) label.description(for=thisID) Disabled input(type="text" disabled placeholder="Disabled" value="Value" id=thisID) .field-row label.description Button button(type="button") Button .field-row - thisID = "in"+(id++) label.description(for=thisID) Select select(id=thisID) option Select option Yes option No option Always option Never .field-row.checkbox-row - thisID = "in"+(id++) label.description(for=thisID) Checkbox input.checkbox(type="checkbox" id=thisID) label.pill(for=thisID tabindex=0 onkeypress=`[" ", "Enter"].includes(event.key) && this.click()`) Label span.fake-checkbox if token p You can restore and sync saved settings by #[a(href=`/applysettings/${token}`)#restore-link bookmarking this link.] .action-container span.home-link-container: a(href=returnURL).home-link ← Return button(type="submit" formaction=stayAction).save-button Save button(type="submit").save-button Save & return