import {q, ElemJS} from "./elemjs/elemjs.js" import {timeline} from "./post_series.js" /** @type {PostOverlay[]} */ const postOverlays = [] const titleHistory = [] titleHistory.push(document.title) const shortcodeDataMap = new Map() window.addEventListener("popstate", event => { // console.log(event.state, postOverlays.length) if (event.state) { if (event.state.view === "post_overlay") { console.log(event.state.shortcode, => o.identifier)) /*if (postOverlays.length >= 2 && postOverlays.slice(-2)[0].identifier === event.state.shortcode) { // continue down to actually pop please } else {*/ return loadPostOverlay(event.state.shortcode, "none") /*}*/ } } // event.state === null which means back to originally loaded page, so pop overlay setTimeout(() => { // make sure document is entirely loaded if (titleHistory.length === 1) { document.title = titleHistory[0] } else if (titleHistory.length >= 2) { titleHistory.pop() document.title = titleHistory.slice(-1)[0] } if (postOverlays.length) { popOverlay() } else { window.location.reload() } }) }) function pushOverlay(overlay) { postOverlays.push(overlay) = "hidden" } function popOverlay() { const top = postOverlays.pop() if (top) { top.pop() } if (postOverlays.length === 0) = "auto" } class PostOverlay extends ElemJS { constructor(identifier) { super("div") this.identifier = identifier this.loaded = false this.available = true this.keyboardListeners = [] this.class("post-overlay") this.event("click", event => { if ( === event.currentTarget) history.back() }) setTimeout(() => { if (!this.loaded) { this.class("loading") this.child( new ElemJS("div").class("loading-inner").text("Loading...") ) } }, 0) } addKeyboardCallback(callback) { if (this.available) { this.keyboardListeners.push(callback) document.addEventListener("keydown", callback) } } setContent(html) { this.html(html) this.loaded = true this.removeClass("loading") } showError() { this.loaded = true this.class("loading") this.clearChildren() this.child( new ElemJS("div").class("loading-inner").text("Request failed.") ) } pop() { this.element.remove() this.available = false while (this.keyboardListeners.length) { document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.keyboardListeners.shift()) } } } const timelineElement = q("#timeline") if (timelineElement) { timelineElement.addEventListener("click", event => { /** @type {HTMLElement[]} */ //@ts-ignore const path = event.composedPath() const postLink = path.find(element => element.classList && element.classList.contains("sized-link") && element.hasAttribute("data-shortcode")) if (postLink) { event.preventDefault() const shortcode = postLink.getAttribute("data-shortcode") loadPostOverlay(shortcode, "push") } }) } function fetchShortcodeFragment(shortcode) { if (shortcodeDataMap.has(shortcode)) return Promise.resolve(shortcodeDataMap.get(shortcode)) else return fetch(`/fragment/post/${shortcode}`).then(res => res.json()) } function loadPostOverlay(shortcode, stateChangeType) { const overlay = new PostOverlay(shortcode) document.body.appendChild(overlay.element) pushOverlay(overlay) if (stateChangeType === "push") { history.pushState({view: "post_overlay", shortcode: shortcode}, "", `/p/${shortcode}`) } else if (stateChangeType === "replace") { history.replaceState({view: "post_overlay", shortcode: shortcode}, "", `/p/${shortcode}`) } else if (stateChangeType !== "none") { throw new Error("Unknown stateChangeType: "+stateChangeType) } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fetcher = fetchShortcodeFragment(shortcode) fetcher.then(root => { shortcodeDataMap.set(shortcode, root) if (overlay.available) { const {title, html} = root overlay.setContent(html) if (overlay.available) { document.title = title } while (postOverlays.length >= 2) postOverlays.shift().pop() const entry = timeline.entries.get(shortcode) let canInteractWithNavigation = true overlay.element.querySelectorAll(".navigate-posts").forEach(button => { button.addEventListener("click", async event => { /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ //@ts-ignore const button = event.currentTarget if (button.classList.contains("next")) { navigate("next") } else { navigate("previous") } }) }) overlay.addKeyboardCallback(event => { if (event.key === "ArrowRight") navigate("next") else if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") navigate("previous") }) async function navigate(direction) { if (canInteractWithNavigation) { /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ //@ts-ignore if (direction === "next") { canInteractWithNavigation = false if (entry.isLastEntry()) await timeline.fetch() if (!overlay.available) return var futureShortcode = entry.getNextShortcode() } else { // "previous" if (entry.isFirstEntry()) return canInteractWithNavigation = false var futureShortcode = entry.getPreviousShortcode() } await loadPostOverlay(futureShortcode, "replace") const newOverlay = postOverlays.slice(-1)[0] if (newOverlay === overlay) { // was cancelled canInteractWithNavigation = true } } } } resolve() }) fetcher.catch(error => { console.error(error) overlay.showError() reject(error) }) }) }