# Bibliogram ## An alternative front-end for Instagram. Bibliogram works without client-side JavaScript, has no ads or tracking, and doesn't urge you to sign up. See also: [Invidious, a front-end for YouTube.](https://github.com/omarroth/invidious) ## Features - [x] View profile and timeline - [x] Infinite scroll - [x] User memory cache - [x] RSS (latest 12 posts) - [x] View post - [x] Galleries - [ ] Videos - [ ] Galleries of videos - [ ] Image disk cache - [ ] Clickable usernames and hashtags - [ ] Homepage - [ ] Instance list - [ ] Proper error checking - [ ] Optimised for mobile - [ ] Favicon - [ ] Settings (e.g. data saving) - [ ] List view - [ ] IGTV - [ ] Test suite - [ ] Rate limiting - [ ] Public API - [ ] Explore hashtags - [ ] Explore locations - [ ] _more..._ These features may not be able to be implemented for technical reasons: - Stories These features will not be added, unless you ask _reallllly_ nicely: - Comments - Tagging users ## Instances There is currently no official Bibliogram instance. Perflyst has hosted an instance on https://bibliogram.snopyta.org ([example page](https://bibliogram.snopyta.org/u/instagram)), but this is not managed by me and I cannot verify its code. If you only use one computer, you can install Bibliogram on that computer and then access the instance through localhost. ## Installing Bibliogram depends on GraphicsMagick for resizing thumbnails. Ubuntu: `# apt install graphicsmagick` 1. `$ git clone https://github.com/cloudrac3r/bibliogram` If you are using a fork, be sure to actually install that fork instead! 1. `$ npm install` 1. Edit `/config.js` to suit your server environment 1. `$ npm start` Bibliogram is now running on ``. ## User-facing endpoints - `/u/{username}` - load a user's profile and timeline - `/u/{username}/rss.xml` - get the RSS feed for a user - `/p/{shortcode}` - load a post