const tap = require("tap") const {structure, partsHashtag, partsUsername} = require("../src/lib/utils/structuretext.js") // lone test hashtag tap.same( partsHashtag([ {type: "user", text: "@person"}, {type: "text", text: " #epic"} ]), [ {type: "user", text: "@person"}, {type: "text", text: " "}, {type: "hashtag", text: "#epic", hashtag: "epic"}, {type: "text", text: ""} ], "partsHashtag works" ) // lone test username tap.same( partsUsername([ {type: "hashtag", text: "#drawing", hashtag: "drawing"}, {type: "text", text: " with @person"} ]), [ {type: "hashtag", text: "#drawing", hashtag: "drawing"}, {type: "text", text: " with "}, {type: "user", text: "@person", user: "person"}, {type: "text", text: ""} ], "partsUsername works" ) tap.test("entire structure works", childTest => { // plain text childTest.same( structure("hello world"), [ {type: "text", text: "hello world"} ], "plain text" ) // username childTest.same( structure("hello @person world"), [ {type: "text", text: "hello "}, {type: "user", text: "@person", user: "person"}, {type: "text", text: " world"} ], "username" ) // username at start childTest.same( structure("@person hello"), [ {type: "text", text: ""}, {type: "user", text: "@person", user: "person"}, {type: "text", text: " hello"} ], "username at start" ) // username at end childTest.same( structure("hello @person"), [ {type: "text", text: "hello "}, {type: "user", text: "@person", user: "person"}, {type: "text", text: ""}, ], "username at end" ) // multiple usernames childTest.same( structure("hello @person1 @person2"), [ {type: "text", text: "hello "}, {type: "user", text: "@person1", user: "person1"}, {type: "text", text: " "}, {type: "user", text: "@person2", user: "person2"}, {type: "text", text: ""} ], "multiple usernames" ) // hashtag childTest.same( structure("what a #beautiful day"), [ {type: "text", text: "what a "}, {type: "hashtag", text: "#beautiful", hashtag: "beautiful"}, {type: "text", text: " day"} ], "hashtag" ) // mixed childTest.same( structure("@person what a #beautiful #day in @city"), [ {type: "text", text: ""}, {type: "user", text: "@person", user: "person"}, {type: "text", text: " what a "}, {type: "hashtag", text: "#beautiful", hashtag: "beautiful"}, {type: "text", text: " "}, {type: "hashtag", text: "#day", hashtag: "day"}, {type: "text", text: " in "}, {type: "user", text: "@city", user: "city"}, {type: "text", text: ""} ], "mixed" ) // special characters childTest.same( structure("#goodmorning! @city.planner, #parks\nare awesome"), [ {type: "text", text: ""}, {type: "hashtag", text: "#goodmorning", hashtag: "goodmorning"}, {type: "text", text: "! "}, {type: "user", text: "@city.planner", user: "city.planner"}, {type: "text", text: ", "}, {type: "hashtag", text: "#parks", hashtag: "parks"}, {type: "text", text: "\nare awesome"} ], "special characters" ) // email address childTest.same( structure(""), [ {type: "text", text: ""} ], "email address" ) // email address + username childTest.same( structure(""), [ {type: "text", text: " "}, {type: "user", text: "", user: ""}, {type: "text", text: ""} ], "email address" ) childTest.end() })