mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 19:26:57 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const requestCache = new RequestCache(constants.caching.resource_cache_time)
const userRequestCache = new UserRequestCache(constants.caching.resource_cache_time)
/** @type {import("./cache").TtlCache<import("./structures/TimelineEntry")>} */
const timelineEntryCache = new TtlCache(constants.caching.resource_cache_time)
const history = new RequestHistory(["user", "timeline", "post", "reel"])
const history = new RequestHistory(["user", "timeline", "igtv", "post", "reel"])
const AssistantSwitcher = require("./structures/AssistantSwitcher")
const assistantSwitcher = new AssistantSwitcher()
@ -306,12 +306,12 @@ function fetchIGTVPage(userID, after) {
if (res.status === 429) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
}).then(g => g.json()).then(root => {
/** @type {import("./types").PagedEdges<import("./types").TimelineEntryN2>} */
const timeline = root.data.user.edge_owner_to_timeline_media
history.report("timeline", true)
const timeline = root.data.user.edge_felix_video_timeline
history.report("igtv", true)
return timeline
}).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
history.report("timeline", false)
history.report("igtv", false)
throw error
@ -422,6 +422,7 @@ function fetchShortcodeData(shortcode) {
module.exports.fetchUser = fetchUser
module.exports.fetchTimelinePage = fetchTimelinePage
module.exports.fetchIGTVPage = fetchIGTVPage
module.exports.getOrCreateShortcode = getOrCreateShortcode
module.exports.fetchShortcodeData = fetchShortcodeData
module.exports.userRequestCache = userRequestCache
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ class ReelUser extends BaseUser {
this.posts = 0
this.following = data.edge_follow ? data.edge_follow.count : 0
this.followedBy = data.edge_followed_by ? data.edge_followed_by.count : 0
/** @type {import("./Timeline")} */
this.timeline = new Timeline(this)
this.timeline = new Timeline(this, "timeline")
this.igtv = new Timeline(this, "igtv")
this.cachedAt = Date.now()
@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ function transformEdges(edges) {
class Timeline {
* @param {import("./User")|import("./ReelUser")} user
* @param {string} type
constructor(user) {
constructor(user, type) {
this.user = user
/** one of: "timeline", "igtv" */
this.type = type
/** @type {import("./TimelineEntry")[][]} */
this.pages = []
if (this.user.data.edge_owner_to_timeline_media) {
@ -32,12 +35,17 @@ class Timeline {
hasNextPage() {
return this.page_info.has_next_page
return !this.page_info || this.page_info.has_next_page
fetchNextPage() {
if (!this.hasNextPage()) return constants.symbols.NO_MORE_PAGES
return collectors.fetchTimelinePage(this.user.data.id, this.page_info.end_cursor).then(page => {
const method =
this.type === "timeline" ? collectors.fetchTimelinePage
: this.type === "igtv" ? collectors.fetchIGTVPage
: null
const after = this.page_info ? this.page_info.end_cursor : ""
return method(this.user.data.id, after).then(page => {
return this.pages.slice(-1)[0]
@ -172,13 +172,23 @@ class TimelineEntry extends TimelineBaseMethods {
config_height: found.config_height,
src: proxyImage(found.src, found.config_width) // force resize to config rather than requested
} else if (this.data.thumbnail_src) {
return {
config_width: size, // probably?
config_height: size,
src: proxyImage(this.data.thumbnail_src, size) // force resize to requested
} else {
return null
getThumbnailSizes() {
return `(max-width: 820px) 200px, 260px` // from css :(
if (this.data.thumbnail_resources) {
return `(max-width: 820px) 200px, 260px` // from css :(
} else {
return null
async fetchChildren() {
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ class User extends BaseUser {
this.following = data.edge_follow.count
this.followedBy = data.edge_followed_by.count
this.posts = data.edge_owner_to_timeline_media.count
this.timeline = new Timeline(this)
this.timeline = new Timeline(this, "timeline")
this.igtv = new Timeline(this, "igtv")
this.cachedAt = Date.now()
@ -65,22 +65,27 @@ module.exports = [
route: `/u/(${constants.external.username_regex})`, methods: ["GET"], code: ({req, url, fill}) => {
if (fill[0] !== fill[0].toLowerCase()) { // some capital letters
return Promise.resolve(redirect(`/u/${fill[0].toLowerCase()}`, 301))
route: `/u/(${constants.external.username_regex})(/channel)?`, methods: ["GET"], code: ({req, url, fill}) => {
const username = fill[0]
const type = fill[1] ? "igtv" : "timeline"
if (username !== username.toLowerCase()) { // some capital letters
return Promise.resolve(redirect(`/u/${username.toLowerCase()}`, 301))
const settings = getSettings(req)
const params = url.searchParams
return fetchUser(fill[0]).then(async user => {
const page = +params.get("page")
if (typeof page === "number" && !isNaN(page) && page >= 1) {
await user.timeline.fetchUpToPage(page - 1)
return fetchUser(username).then(async user => {
const selectedTimeline = user[type]
let pageNumber = +params.get("page")
if (isNaN(pageNumber) || pageNumber < 1) pageNumber = 1
await selectedTimeline.fetchUpToPage(pageNumber - 1)
const followerCountsAvailable = !(user.constructor.name === "ReelUser" && user.following === 0 && user.followedBy === 0)
return render(200, "pug/user.pug", {
@ -100,12 +105,12 @@ module.exports = [
statusCode: 503,
contentType: "text/html",
headers: {
"Retry-After": userRequestCache.getTtl("user/"+fill[0], 1000)
"Retry-After": userRequestCache.getTtl("user/"+username, 1000)
content: pugCache.get("pug/blocked.pug").web({
website_origin: constants.website_origin,
username: fill[0],
expiresMinutes: userRequestCache.getTtl("user/"+fill[0], 1000*60),
expiresMinutes: userRequestCache.getTtl("user/"+username, 1000*60),
@ -120,13 +125,25 @@ module.exports = [
route: `/fragment/user/(${constants.external.username_regex})/(\\d+)`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, url, fill}) => {
const username = fill[0]
let pageNumber = +fill[1]
if (isNaN(pageNumber) || pageNumber < 1) {
return {
statusCode: 400,
contentType: "text/html",
content: "Bad page number"
let type = url.searchParams.get("type")
if (!["timeline", "igtv"].includes(type)) type = "timeline"
const settings = getSettings(req)
return fetchUser(fill[0]).then(async user => {
const pageNumber = +fill[1]
return fetchUser(username).then(async user => {
const pageIndex = pageNumber - 1
await user.timeline.fetchUpToPage(pageIndex)
if (user.timeline.pages[pageIndex]) {
return render(200, "pug/fragments/timeline_page.pug", {page: user.timeline.pages[pageIndex], pageIndex, user, url, settings})
const selectedTimeline = user[type]
await selectedTimeline.fetchUpToPage(pageIndex)
if (selectedTimeline.pages[pageIndex]) {
return render(200, "pug/fragments/timeline_page.pug", {page: selectedTimeline.pages[pageIndex], selectedTimeline, type, pageIndex, user, url, settings})
} else {
return {
statusCode: 400,
@ -75,8 +75,9 @@ class NextPage extends FreezeWidth {
if (this.fetching) return
this.fetching = true
const type = this.element.getAttribute("data-type")
return fetch(`/fragment/user/${this.element.getAttribute("data-username")}/${this.nextPageNumber}`).then(res => res.text()).then(text => {
return fetch(`/fragment/user/${this.element.getAttribute("data-username")}/${this.nextPageNumber}?type=${type}`).then(res => res.text()).then(text => {
q("#timeline").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", text)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
//- Needs user, selectedTimeline, url, type
include ../includes/timeline_page.pug
include ../includes/next_page_button.pug
+timeline_page(page, pageIndex)
+next_page_button(user, url)
+next_page_button(user, selectedTimeline, url, type)
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
mixin next_page_button(user, url)
if user.timeline.hasNextPage()
mixin next_page_button(user, selectedTimeline, url, type)
if selectedTimeline.hasNextPage()
const nu = new URL(url)
nu.searchParams.set("page", user.timeline.pages.length+1)
a(href=`${nu.search}#page-${user.timeline.pages.length+1}` data-page=(user.timeline.pages.length+1) data-username=(user.data.username))#next-page.next-page Next page
nu.searchParams.set("page", selectedTimeline.pages.length+1)
a(href=`${nu.search}#page-${selectedTimeline.pages.length+1}` data-page=(selectedTimeline.pages.length+1) data-username=(user.data.username) data-type=type)#next-page.next-page Next page
span.number No more posts.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//- Needs user, followerCountsAvailable, url, constants, settings
//- Needs user, selectedTimeline, type, followerCountsAvailable, url, constants, settings
include includes/timeline_page.pug
include includes/next_page_button.pug
@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ include includes/feed_link
- const numberFormat = new Intl.NumberFormat().format
mixin selector-button(text, selectorType, urlSuffix)
a(href=(type !== selectorType && `/u/${user.data.username}${urlSuffix}`) class=(type === selectorType && "active")).selector= text
doctype html
@ -77,17 +80,23 @@ html
a(href="/") Home
a(href=settingsReferrer) Settings
- const hasPosts = !user.data.is_private && user.timeline.pages.length && user.timeline.pages[0].length
main(class=hasPosts ? "" : "no-posts")#timeline.timeline
if hasPosts
each page, pageIndex in user.timeline.pages
+timeline_page(page, pageIndex)
+next_page_button(user, url)
if user.data.is_private
| Profile is private.
| No posts.
- const hasPosts = !user.data.is_private && selectedTimeline.pages.length && selectedTimeline.pages[0].length
+selector-button("Timeline", "timeline", "")
if user.data.has_channel !== false
+selector-button("IGTV", "igtv", "/channel")
main(class=hasPosts ? "" : "no-posts")#timeline.timeline
if hasPosts
each page, pageIndex in selectedTimeline.pages
+timeline_page(page, pageIndex)
+next_page_button(user, selectedTimeline, url, type)
if user.data.is_private
| Profile is private.
| No posts.
@ -158,25 +158,41 @@ body
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$image-size: var(--image-size)
@media screen and (max-width: $layout-a-max)
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$image-size: var(--image-size)
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flex-wrap: wrap
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@media screen and (max-width: $layout-a-max)
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@media screen and (max-width: $layout-a-max)
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flex: 1
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display: grid
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr)
--image-size: calc(33vw - 10px)
display: flex
flex-direction: column
justify-content: center
justify-items: center
@mixin sized()
width: $image-size
height: $image-size
margin: 20px 0px
display: flex
justify-content: center
$margin: 5px
@include link-button
font-size: 18px
text-align: center
margin: $margin
color: map-get($theme, "foreground-thumbnail-alt")
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@include sized
display: flex
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$border-width: 3px
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@media screen and (max-width: $layout-a-max)
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max-width: 1080px
max-width: 1620px
@media screen and (max-width: $layout-c-max)
$margin: 2px
display: grid
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr)
justify-content: center
justify-items: center
@mixin sized()
width: $image-size
height: $image-size
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margin: $margin
color: map-get($theme, "foreground-thumbnail-alt")
border: 0px map-get($theme, "edge-thumbnail-hover")
background-color: map-get($theme, "background-timeline-loading")
text-decoration: none
overflow: hidden
@include sized
$border-width: 2px
$border-width: 3px
margin: $margin - $border-width
border-width: $border-width
@include sized
@media screen and (max-width: $layout-c-max)
$margin: 2px
margin: $margin
$border-width: 2px
margin: $margin - $border-width
border-width: $border-width
@include sized
background-color: map-get($theme, "background-post-distraction")
@ -54,4 +54,5 @@ $theme: (
"shadow-down": 0px -2px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4),
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"shadow-down-only": 0px 2px 4px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user