mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/NewLeaf synced 2025-02-18 16:57:04 +00:00
Lomanic 5f47e1a71b
Fix extracting with cookie consent page in EU
Fix #27 use maintained yt-dlp lib instead of youtube-dlc

Because of the following changes in YT, we have to switch to a
maintained library https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28604
While yt-dlp is not fixed today, youtube-dl is fixed in master and as
yt-dlp is quick to merge upstream changes back to their repo, we can
hope the issue will also be fixed there timely.

For requests sent by us directly, we include the cookies.

Ref https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28604
2021-04-03 15:09:58 +13:00

310 lines
10 KiB

import configuration
import datetime
import json
import os
import re
import traceback
import yt_dlp
import urllib.error
from tools.converters import *
from tools.extractors import extract_yt_initial_data, extract_yt_initial_player_response
import tools.files as files
from math import floor
from cachetools import TTLCache
video_cache = TTLCache(maxsize=50, ttl=300)
ytdl_opts = {
"quiet": True,
"dump_single_json": True,
"playlist_items": "1-100",
"extract_flat": "in_playlist",
"write_pages": True,
"source_address": "",
"writesubtitles": True,
"allsubtitles": True,
ytdl = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ytdl_opts)
def format_order(format):
# most significant to least significant
# key, max, order, transform
# asc: lower number comes first, desc: higher number comes first
spec = [
["second__height", 8000, "desc", lambda x: floor(x/96) if x else 0],
["fps", 100, "desc", lambda x: floor(x/10) if x else 0],
["type", " "*60, "asc", lambda x: len(x)],
total = 0
for i in range(len(spec)):
s = spec[i]
diff = s[3](format[s[0]])
if s[2] == "asc":
diff = s[3](s[1]) - diff
total += diff
if i+1 < len(spec):
s2 = spec[i+1]
total *= s2[3](s2[1])
return -total
def extract_video(id):
if id in video_cache:
return video_cache[id]
result = None
info = ytdl.extract_info(id, download=False)
year = int(info["upload_date"][:4])
month = int(info["upload_date"][4:6])
day = int(info["upload_date"][6:8])
published = int(datetime.datetime(year, month, day).timestamp())
result = {
"type": "video",
"title": info["title"],
"videoId": info["id"],
"videoThumbnails": generate_video_thumbnails(info["id"]),
"storyboards": None,
"description": info["description"],
"descriptionHtml": add_html_links(escape_html_textcontent(info["description"])),
"published": published,
"publishedText": None,
"keywords": None,
"viewCount": info["view_count"],
"second__viewCountText": None,
"second__viewCountTextShort": None,
"likeCount": 0,
"dislikeCount": 0,
"paid": None,
"premium": None,
"isFamilyFriendly": None,
"allowedRegions": [],
"genre": None,
"genreUrl": None,
"author": info["uploader"],
"authorId": info["channel_id"],
"authorUrl": info["channel_url"],
"second__uploaderId": info["uploader_id"],
"second__uploaderUrl": info["uploader_url"],
"authorThumbnails": [],
"subCountText": None,
"lengthSeconds": info["duration"],
"allowRatings": None,
"rating": info["average_rating"],
"isListed": None,
"liveNow": None,
"isUpcoming": None,
"dashUrl": "{}/api/manifest/dash/id/{}".format(configuration.website_origin, info["id"]),
"second__providedDashUrl": None,
"adaptiveFormats": [],
"formatStreams": [],
"captions": [],
"recommendedVideos": []
for format in info["formats"]:
# Adaptive formats have either audio or video, format streams have both
is_adaptive = format["acodec"] == "none" or format["vcodec"] == "none"
sense = "video" if format["vcodec"] != "none" else "audio"
mime = sense + "/" + format["ext"]
codecs = []
if format["vcodec"] != "none":
if format["acodec"] != "none":
result_type = '{}; codecs="{}"'.format(mime, ", ".join(codecs))
if is_adaptive:
url = ""
if format["protocol"] == "http_dash_segments":
# this is http dash, which is annoying and doesn't work in <video>.
# we have a fragment_base_url, which seems to be playable for all audio, but only with certain video itags??? very confused
if format["acodec"] == "none" and format["format_id"] not in ["134", "136"]:
url = format["fragment_base_url"]
else: # just a normal media file
url = format["url"]
"index": None,
"bitrate": str(int(format["tbr"]*1000)),
"init": None,
"url": url,
"itag": format["format_id"],
"type": result_type,
"second__mime": mime,
"second__codecs": codecs,
"clen": str(format["filesize"]) if format["filesize"] else None,
"lmt": None,
"projectionType": None,
"fps": format["fps"],
"container": format["ext"],
"encoding": None,
"resolution": format["format_note"],
"qualityLabel": format["format_note"],
"second__width": format["width"],
"second__height": format["height"],
"second__audioChannels": None,
"second__order": 0
else: # format is not adaptive
"url": format["url"],
"itag": format["format_id"],
"type": result_type,
"second__mime": mime,
"quality": None,
"fps": format["fps"],
"container": format["ext"],
"encoding": None,
"resolution": format["format_note"],
"qualityLabel": format["format_note"],
"size": str(format["width"]) + "x" + str(format["height"]),
"second__width": format["width"],
"second__height": format["height"]
if info.get("requested_subtitles"):
for language_code, subtitle in info["requested_subtitles"].items():
if language_code == "live_chat":
subtitle_url = subtitle["url"]
label = get_language_label_from_url(subtitle_url)
subtitle_api_url = get_subtitle_api_url(id, label, language_code)
"label": label if label != "" else language_code,
"languageCode": language_code,
"url": subtitle_api_url,
"second__subtitleUrl": subtitle_url # Direct YouTube url
result = get_more_stuff_from_file(info["id"], result)
return result
except yt_dlp.DownloadError as e:
if isinstance(e.exc_info[1], urllib.error.HTTPError):
if e.exc_info[1].code == 429:
result = {
"error": "Could not extract video info. Instance is likely blocked.",
result = {
"error": "Received unexpected status code {}.".format(e.exc_info[1].code)
result = {
"error": "Unknown download error."
except Exception:
print("messed up in original transform.")
return result
def get_more_stuff_from_file(id, result):
# Figure out what the name of the saved file was
recommendations = []
created_files = files.get_created_files(id)
possible_files = [f for f in created_files if f[11:].startswith("_https_-_www.youtube.com")]
if len(possible_files) == 1:
filename = possible_files[0]
with open(filename) as file:
r_yt_player_config = re.compile(r"""^\s*[^"]+"cfg"[^"]+ytplayer\.config = (\{.*\});ytplayer\.web_player_context_config = {".""", re.M)
content = file.read()
yt_initial_data = extract_yt_initial_data(content)
main_video = yt_initial_data["contents"]["twoColumnWatchNextResults"]["results"]["results"]["contents"][0]["videoPrimaryInfoRenderer"]
views = main_video["viewCount"]["videoViewCountRenderer"]
result["second__viewCountText"] = get_view_count_text_or_recommended(views)
if "shortViewCount" in views:
result["second__viewCountTextShort"] = views["shortViewCount"]["simpleText"]
if "sentimentBar" in main_video:
sentiment = main_video["sentimentBar"]["sentimentBarRenderer"]["tooltip"]
result["likeCount"] = view_count_text_to_number(sentiment.split(" / ")[0])
result["dislikeCount"] = view_count_text_to_number(sentiment.split(" / ")[1])
result["allowRatings"] = True
result["allowRatings"] = False
recommendations = yt_initial_data["contents"]["twoColumnWatchNextResults"]["secondaryResults"]\
# result = yt_initial_data
# return result
def get_useful_recommendation_data(r):
if "compactVideoRenderer" in r:
return r["compactVideoRenderer"]
if "compactAutoplayRenderer" in r:
return r["compactAutoplayRenderer"]["contents"][0]["compactVideoRenderer"]
return None
result["recommendedVideos"] = list({
"videoId": r["videoId"],
"title": r["title"]["simpleText"],
"videoThumbnails": generate_video_thumbnails(r["videoId"]),
"author": combine_runs(r["longBylineText"]),
"authorUrl": r["longBylineText"]["runs"][0]["navigationEndpoint"]["commandMetadata"]["webCommandMetadata"]["url"],
"authorId": r["longBylineText"]["runs"][0]["navigationEndpoint"]["browseEndpoint"]["browseId"],
"lengthSeconds": get_length_or_live_now(r),
"second__lengthText": get_length_text_or_live_now(r),
"viewCountText": get_view_count_text_or_recommended(r),
"viewCount": get_view_count_or_recommended(r),
"second__liveNow": is_live(r)
} for r in [get_useful_recommendation_data(r) for r in recommendations if get_useful_recommendation_data(r)])
# m_yt_player_config = re.search(r_yt_player_config, content)
# if m_yt_player_config:
# yt_player_config = json.loads(m_yt_player_config.group(1))
player_response = extract_yt_initial_player_response(content)
# result = player_response
# return result
if "dashManifestUrl" in player_response["streamingData"]:
result["second__providedDashUrl"] = player_response["streamingData"]["dashManifestUrl"]
result["liveNow"] = player_response["videoDetails"]["isLiveContent"]
itagDict = {}
for f in player_response["streamingData"]["adaptiveFormats"]:
if "indexRange" in f:
itagDict[str(f["itag"])] = {
"initRange": f["initRange"],
"indexRange": f["indexRange"],
"audioChannels": f["audioChannels"] if "audioChannels" in f else None
for f in result["adaptiveFormats"]:
if f["itag"] in itagDict:
i = itagDict[f["itag"]]
f["init"] = "{}-{}".format(i["initRange"]["start"], i["initRange"]["end"])
f["index"] = "{}-{}".format(i["indexRange"]["start"], i["indexRange"]["end"])
f["second__audioChannels"] = i["audioChannels"]
if f["second__height"]:
resolution = str(f["second__height"]) + "p"
f["resolution"] = resolution
label = resolution
if f["fps"] > 30:
label += str(f["fps"])
f["qualityLabel"] = label
f["second__order"] = format_order(f)
except Exception:
print("messed up extracting recommendations.")
video_cache[id] = result
return result