mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 16:57:04 +00:00
301 lines
9.9 KiB
301 lines
9.9 KiB
import configuration
import datetime
import json
import os
import re
import traceback
import youtube_dlc
import urllib.error
from tools.converters import *
from tools.extractors import extract_yt_initial_data, extract_yt_initial_player_response
from math import floor
from cachetools import TTLCache
video_cache = TTLCache(maxsize=50, ttl=300)
ytdl_opts = {
"quiet": True,
"dump_single_json": True,
"playlist_items": "1-100",
"extract_flat": "in_playlist",
"write_pages": True,
"source_address": ""
ytdl = youtube_dlc.YoutubeDL(ytdl_opts)
def get_created_files(id):
if id[0] == "-":
id = "_" + id[1:] # youtube-dl changes - to _ at the start, presumably to not accidentally trigger switches with * in shell
return (f for f in os.listdir() if f.startswith("{}_".format(id)))
def clean_up_temp_files(id):
created_files = get_created_files(id)
for file in created_files:
def format_order(format):
# most significant to least significant
# key, max, order, transform
# asc: lower number comes first, desc: higher number comes first
spec = [
["second__height", 8000, "desc", lambda x: floor(x/96) if x else 0],
["fps", 100, "desc", lambda x: floor(x/10) if x else 0],
["type", " "*60, "asc", lambda x: len(x)],
total = 0
for i in range(len(spec)):
s = spec[i]
diff = s[3](format[s[0]])
if s[2] == "asc":
diff = s[3](s[1]) - diff
total += diff
if i+1 < len(spec):
s2 = spec[i+1]
total *= s2[3](s2[1])
return -total
def extract_video(id):
if id in video_cache:
return video_cache[id]
result = None
info = ytdl.extract_info(id, download=False)
year = int(info["upload_date"][:4])
month = int(info["upload_date"][4:6])
day = int(info["upload_date"][6:8])
published = int(datetime.datetime(year, month, day).timestamp())
result = {
"type": "video",
"title": info["title"],
"videoId": info["id"],
"videoThumbnails": generate_video_thumbnails(info["id"]),
"storyboards": None,
"description": info["description"],
"descriptionHtml": add_html_links(escape_html_textcontent(info["description"])),
"published": published,
"publishedText": None,
"keywords": None,
"viewCount": info["view_count"],
"second__viewCountText": None,
"second__viewCountTextShort": None,
"likeCount": 0,
"dislikeCount": 0,
"paid": None,
"premium": None,
"isFamilyFriendly": None,
"allowedRegions": [],
"genre": None,
"genreUrl": None,
"author": info["uploader"],
"authorId": info["channel_id"],
"authorUrl": info["channel_url"],
"second__uploaderId": info["uploader_id"],
"second__uploaderUrl": info["uploader_url"],
"authorThumbnails": [],
"subCountText": None,
"lengthSeconds": info["duration"],
"allowRatings": None,
"rating": info["average_rating"],
"isListed": None,
"liveNow": None,
"isUpcoming": None,
"dashUrl": "{}/api/manifest/dash/id/{}".format(configuration.website_origin, info["id"]),
"second__providedDashUrl": None,
"adaptiveFormats": [],
"formatStreams": [],
"captions": [],
"recommendedVideos": []
for format in info["formats"]:
# Adaptive formats have either audio or video, format streams have both
is_adaptive = format["acodec"] == "none" or format["vcodec"] == "none"
sense = "video" if format["vcodec"] != "none" else "audio"
mime = sense + "/" + format["ext"]
codecs = []
if format["vcodec"] != "none":
if format["acodec"] != "none":
result_type = '{}; codecs="{}"'.format(mime, ", ".join(codecs))
if is_adaptive:
url = ""
if format["protocol"] == "http_dash_segments":
# this is http dash, which is annoying and doesn't work in <video>.
# we have a fragment_base_url, which seems to be playable for all audio, but only with certain video itags??? very confused
if format["acodec"] == "none" and format["format_id"] not in ["134", "136"]:
url = format["fragment_base_url"]
else: # just a normal media file
url = format["url"]
"index": None,
"bitrate": str(int(format["tbr"]*1000)),
"init": None,
"url": url,
"itag": format["format_id"],
"type": result_type,
"second__mime": mime,
"second__codecs": codecs,
"clen": str(format["filesize"]) if format["filesize"] else None,
"lmt": None,
"projectionType": None,
"fps": format["fps"],
"container": format["ext"],
"encoding": None,
"resolution": format["format_note"],
"qualityLabel": format["format_note"],
"second__width": format["width"],
"second__height": format["height"],
"second__audioChannels": None,
"second__order": 0
else: # format is not adaptive
"url": format["url"],
"itag": format["format_id"],
"type": result_type,
"second__mime": mime,
"quality": None,
"fps": format["fps"],
"container": format["ext"],
"encoding": None,
"resolution": format["format_note"],
"qualityLabel": format["format_note"],
"size": str(format["width"]) + "x" + str(format["height"]),
"second__width": format["width"],
"second__height": format["height"]
result = get_more_stuff_from_file(info["id"], result)
return result
except youtube_dlc.DownloadError as e:
if isinstance(e.exc_info[1], urllib.error.HTTPError):
if e.exc_info[1].code == 429:
result = {
"error": "Could not extract video info. Instance is likely blocked.",
result = {
"error": "Received unexpected status code {}.".format(e.exc_info[1].code)
result = {
"error": "Unknown download error."
except Exception:
print("messed up in original transform.")
return result
def get_more_stuff_from_file(id, result):
# Figure out what the name of the saved file was
recommendations = []
created_files = get_created_files(id)
possible_files = [f for f in created_files if f[11:].startswith("_https_-_www.youtube.com")]
if len(possible_files) == 1:
filename = possible_files[0]
with open(filename) as file:
r_yt_player_config = re.compile(r"""^\s*[^"]+"cfg"[^"]+ytplayer\.config = (\{.*\});ytplayer\.web_player_context_config = {".""", re.M)
content = file.read()
yt_initial_data = extract_yt_initial_data(content)
main_video = yt_initial_data["contents"]["twoColumnWatchNextResults"]["results"]["results"]["contents"][0]["videoPrimaryInfoRenderer"]
views = main_video["viewCount"]["videoViewCountRenderer"]
result["second__viewCountText"] = get_view_count_text_or_recommended(views)
if "shortViewCount" in views:
result["second__viewCountTextShort"] = views["shortViewCount"]["simpleText"]
if "sentimentBar" in main_video:
sentiment = main_video["sentimentBar"]["sentimentBarRenderer"]["tooltip"]
result["likeCount"] = view_count_text_to_number(sentiment.split(" / ")[0])
result["dislikeCount"] = view_count_text_to_number(sentiment.split(" / ")[1])
result["allowRatings"] = True
result["allowRatings"] = False
recommendations = yt_initial_data["contents"]["twoColumnWatchNextResults"]["secondaryResults"]\
# result = yt_initial_data
# return result
def get_useful_recommendation_data(r):
if "compactVideoRenderer" in r:
return r["compactVideoRenderer"]
if "compactAutoplayRenderer" in r:
return r["compactAutoplayRenderer"]["contents"][0]["compactVideoRenderer"]
return None
result["recommendedVideos"] = list({
"videoId": r["videoId"],
"title": r["title"]["simpleText"],
"videoThumbnails": generate_video_thumbnails(r["videoId"]),
"author": combine_runs(r["longBylineText"]),
"authorUrl": r["longBylineText"]["runs"][0]["navigationEndpoint"]["commandMetadata"]["webCommandMetadata"]["url"],
"authorId": r["longBylineText"]["runs"][0]["navigationEndpoint"]["browseEndpoint"]["browseId"],
"lengthSeconds": get_length_or_live_now(r),
"second__lengthText": get_length_text_or_live_now(r),
"viewCountText": get_view_count_text_or_recommended(r),
"viewCount": get_view_count_or_recommended(r),
"second__liveNow": is_live(r)
} for r in [get_useful_recommendation_data(r) for r in recommendations if get_useful_recommendation_data(r)])
# m_yt_player_config = re.search(r_yt_player_config, content)
# if m_yt_player_config:
# yt_player_config = json.loads(m_yt_player_config.group(1))
player_response = extract_yt_initial_player_response(content)
# result = player_response
# return result
if "dashManifestUrl" in player_response["streamingData"]:
result["second__providedDashUrl"] = player_response["streamingData"]["dashManifestUrl"]
result["liveNow"] = player_response["videoDetails"]["isLiveContent"]
itagDict = {}
for f in player_response["streamingData"]["adaptiveFormats"]:
if "indexRange" in f:
itagDict[str(f["itag"])] = {
"initRange": f["initRange"],
"indexRange": f["indexRange"],
"audioChannels": f["audioChannels"] if "audioChannels" in f else None
for f in result["adaptiveFormats"]:
if f["itag"] in itagDict:
i = itagDict[f["itag"]]
f["init"] = "{}-{}".format(i["initRange"]["start"], i["initRange"]["end"])
f["index"] = "{}-{}".format(i["indexRange"]["start"], i["indexRange"]["end"])
f["second__audioChannels"] = i["audioChannels"]
if f["second__height"]:
resolution = str(f["second__height"]) + "p"
f["resolution"] = resolution
label = resolution
if f["fps"] > 30:
label += str(f["fps"])
f["qualityLabel"] = label
f["second__order"] = format_order(f)
except Exception:
print("messed up extracting recommendations.")
video_cache[id] = result
return result