import re import requests from import extract_video from tools.converters import escape_html_textcontent, get_subtitle_api_url from urllib.parse import urlencode import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def extract_captions(id, **kwargs): captions = extract_captions_from_video(id) return extract_captions_from_dict(captions, **kwargs) # Return captions for the language specified, # The captions list otherwise def extract_captions_from_dict(captions, *, lang=None, label=None): if lang is None and label is None: return captions url = next(caption["second__remoteUrl"] for caption in captions["captions"] if caption["languageCode"] == lang or caption["label"] == label) with requests.get(url) as r: r.raise_for_status() # remove extraneous " align:start position:0%" on timestamps lines on auto-generated captions if (lang and "auto-generated" in lang) or (label and "auto-generated" in label): return re.sub(r"^([0-9:.]+ --> [0-9:.]+).*$", r"\1", r.content.decode("utf8"), flags=re.MULTILINE) return r def extract_captions_from_video(id): return { "captions": extract_video(id)["captions"] }