import cherrypy import json import requests import youtube_dlc from import extract_video from import extract_channel, extract_channel_videos, extract_channel_latest from extractors.manifest import extract_manifest from import extract_search from extractors.suggestions import extract_search_suggestions from extractors.captions import extract_captions"before_finalize", priority=60) def custom_headers(): cherrypy.response.headers["access-control-allow-origin"] = "*" class Second(object): def _cp_dispatch(self, vpath): if vpath[:4] == ["api", "manifest", "dash", "id"]: vpath[:4] = ["manifest"] return self if vpath[:2] == ["api", "v1"]: endpoints = [ ["channels", 1, 2], ["videos", 1, 1], ["search", 0, 1], ["captions", 1, 1] ] for e in endpoints: if vpath[2] == e[0] and len(vpath) >= e[1]+3 and len(vpath) <= e[2]+3: vpath[:3] = [e[0]] return self return vpath @cherrypy.expose def videos(self, id, **kwargs): return extract_video(id) @cherrypy.expose def manifest(self, id, **kwargs): result = extract_manifest(id) if type(result) is dict: cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = "application/json" return bytes(json.dumps(result), "utf8") elif type(result) is requests.models.Response: cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = result.headers["content-type"] return result else: cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = "application/dash+xml" return result @cherrypy.expose def channels(self, *suffix, **kwargs): ucid = "" part = "" possible_parts = ("videos", "latest", "playlists") if len(suffix) == 1: ucid = suffix[0] else: # len(suffix) >= 2 if suffix[0] in possible_parts: [part, ucid] = suffix elif suffix[1] in possible_parts: [ucid, part] = suffix else: return { error: "Two components specified in URL, but neither component was recognised as a part keyword.", identifier: "PART_KEYWORD_NOT_RECOGNISED" } if part == "playlists": return [] elif part == "latest": return extract_channel_latest(ucid) elif part == "videos": return extract_channel_videos(ucid) else: # part == "", so extract whole channel return extract_channel(ucid) @cherrypy.expose def search(self, *suffix, q, **kwargs): if suffix == ("suggestions",): return self.suggestions(q=q) return extract_search(q) @cherrypy.expose def suggestions(self, *, q, **kwargs): return extract_search_suggestions(q) @cherrypy.expose def captions(self, id, **kwargs): try: result = extract_captions(id, **kwargs) if type(result) is dict: cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = "application/json" return bytes(json.dumps(result), "utf8") else: cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = "text/vtt; charset=UTF-8" return result except StopIteration: cherrypy.response.status = "400" cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = "application/json" return bytes(json.dumps({ "error": "No captions matching that language or label", "identifier": "NO_MATCHING_CAPTIONS" }), "utf8") @cherrypy.expose def vi(self, id, file): with requests.get("{}/{}".format(id, file)) as r: r.raise_for_status() cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = r.headers["content-type"] return r # no idea if this is a good way to do it, but it definitely works! :D @cherrypy.expose def ggpht(self, *path): with requests.get("{}".format("/".join(path))) as r: r.raise_for_status() cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = r.headers["content-type"] return r cherrypy.config.update({"server.socket_port": 3000, "server.socket_host": ""}) cherrypy.quickstart(Second(), "/", { "/": { "tools.custom_headers.on": True } })