--- name: Ban report about: If you suspect a ban by Instagram due to your usage of this app, you MUST report it. title: "[BAN]" labels: BAN REPORT assignees: 'austinhuang0131' --- ## Answer honestly. All boxes must be checked for this report to be considered. - [ ] My app is on the latest version. I understand that any other version is not supported. - [ ] I certify that all actions I have performed on the app constitute human behaviour. I am using InstaGrabber responsibly and in a way identical to using the official app. Specifically, I did not perform botting or automated key clicks. - [ ] I have considered other possible reasons for my ban, and I cannot find any substantial claim other than the usage of InstaGrabber. ## Answer honestly. Check accordingly to your situation. - [ ] I had prior rule violations on Instagram, specifically: [write here] - [ ] I have admitted the use of InstaGrabber on Instagram. - [ ] I have admitted the use of InstaGrabber to a friend who uses Instagram. - [ ] I have modified the source code of the app that I use, other than what is present in this repo. Specifically: [write here] ## Describe your case, including your usage pattern, but without private information. ## Provide your communication with Instagram, without private information of you.