package awaisomereport import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.Build import android.util.Log import awais.instagrabber.BuildConfig import awais.instagrabber.R import awais.instagrabber.utils.Constants import awais.instagrabber.utils.extensions.TAG import* import java.time.LocalDateTime object CrashReporterHelper { private val shortBorder = "=".repeat(14) private val longBorder = "=".repeat(21) private const val prefix = "stack-" private const val suffix = ".stacktrace" fun startErrorReporterActivity( application: Application, exception: Throwable ) { try { application.openFileOutput( "$prefix${System.currentTimeMillis()}$suffix", Context.MODE_PRIVATE ).use { it.write(getReportContent(exception).toByteArray()) } } catch (ex: Exception) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "", ex) } application.startActivity(Intent(application, } fun getReportContent(exception: Throwable): String { var reportContent = """ IMPORTANT: If sending by email, your email address and the entire content will be made public at When possible, please describe the steps leading to this crash. Thank you for your cooperation. Error report collected on: ${} Information: $shortBorder VERSION : ${BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME} VERSION_CODE : ${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE} PHONE-MODEL : ${Build.MODEL} ANDROID_VERS : ${Build.VERSION.RELEASE} ANDROID_REL : ${Build.VERSION.SDK_INT} BRAND : ${Build.BRAND} MANUFACTURER : ${Build.MANUFACTURER} BOARD : ${Build.BOARD} DEVICE : ${Build.DEVICE} PRODUCT : ${Build.PRODUCT} HOST : ${Build.HOST} TAGS : ${Build.TAGS} Stack: $shortBorder """.trimIndent() reportContent = "$reportContent${getStackStrace(exception)}\n\n*** End of current Report ***" return reportContent.replace("\n", "\r\n") } private fun getStackStrace(exception: Throwable): String { val writer = StringWriter() return PrintWriter(writer).use { val reportBuilder = StringBuilder("\n") exception.printStackTrace(it) reportBuilder.append(writer.toString()) var cause = exception.cause if (cause != null) reportBuilder.append("\nCause:\n$shortBorder\n") while (cause != null) { cause.printStackTrace(it) reportBuilder.append(writer.toString()) cause = cause.cause } return@use reportBuilder.toString() } } @JvmStatic fun startCrashEmailIntent(context: Context) { try { val filePath = context.filesDir.absolutePath val errorFileList: Array? = try { val dir = File(filePath) if (dir.exists() && !dir.isDirectory) { dir.delete() } dir.mkdirs() dir.list { _: File?, name: String -> name.endsWith(suffix) } } catch (e: Exception) { null } if (errorFileList == null || errorFileList.isEmpty()) { return } val errorStringBuilder: StringBuilder = StringBuilder("\n\n") val maxSendMail = 5 for ((curIndex, curString) in errorFileList.withIndex()) { val file = File("$filePath/$curString") if (curIndex <= maxSendMail) { errorStringBuilder.append("New Trace collected:\n$longBorder\n") BufferedReader(FileReader(file)).use { input -> var line: String? while (input.readLine().also { line = it } != null) errorStringBuilder.append(line).append("\n") } } file.delete() } errorStringBuilder.append("\n\n") val resources = context.resources context.startActivity( Intent.createChooser( Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND).apply { type = "message/rfc822" flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION or Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, arrayOf(Constants.CRASH_REPORT_EMAIL)) putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, resources.getString(R.string.crash_report_subject)) putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, errorStringBuilder.toString().replace("\n", "\r\n")) }, context.resources.getString(R.string.crash_report_title) ) ) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "", e) } } @JvmStatic fun deleteAllStacktraceFiles(context: Context) { val filePath = context.filesDir.absolutePath val errorFileList: Array? = try { val dir = File(filePath) if (dir.exists() && !dir.isDirectory) { dir.delete() } dir.mkdirs() dir.listFiles { _: File?, name: String -> name.endsWith(suffix) } } catch (e: Exception) { null } errorFileList?.forEach { it.delete() } } }