package awais.instagrabber.utils; import; import android.util.Log; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import awais.instagrabber.models.StoryModel; import awais.instagrabber.models.enums.MediaItemType; import awais.instagrabber.models.stickers.PollModel; import awais.instagrabber.models.stickers.QuestionModel; import awais.instagrabber.models.stickers.QuizModel; import awais.instagrabber.models.stickers.SliderModel; import awais.instagrabber.models.stickers.SwipeUpModel; import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.Caption; import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.FriendshipStatus; import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.ImageVersions2; import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.Location; import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.Media; import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.MediaCandidate; import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.User; import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.stories.StoryMedia; public final class ResponseBodyUtils { private static final String TAG = "ResponseBodyUtils"; // isI: true if the content was requested from instead of graphql @Nullable public static String getHighQualityPost(final JSONArray resources, final boolean isVideo, final boolean isI, final boolean low) { try { final int resourcesLen = resources.length(); final String[] sources = new String[resourcesLen]; int lastResMain = low ? 1000000 : 0, lastIndexMain = -1; int lastResBase = low ? 1000000 : 0, lastIndexBase = -1; for (int i = 0; i < resourcesLen; ++i) { final JSONObject item = resources.getJSONObject(i); if (item != null && (!isVideo || item.has(Constants.EXTRAS_PROFILE) || isI)) { sources[i] = item.getString(isI ? "url" : "src"); final int currRes = item.getInt(isI ? "width" : "config_width") * item.getInt(isI ? "height" : "config_height"); final String profile = isVideo ? item.optString(Constants.EXTRAS_PROFILE) : null; if (!isVideo || "MAIN".equals(profile)) { if (currRes > lastResMain && !low) { lastResMain = currRes; lastIndexMain = i; } else if (currRes < lastResMain && low) { lastResMain = currRes; lastIndexMain = i; } } else { if (currRes > lastResBase && !low) { lastResBase = currRes; lastIndexBase = i; } else if (currRes < lastResBase && low) { lastResBase = currRes; lastIndexBase = i; } } } } if (lastIndexMain >= 0) return sources[lastIndexMain]; else if (lastIndexBase >= 0) return sources[lastIndexBase]; } catch (final Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "", e); } return null; } public static String getHighQualityImage(final JSONObject resources) { String src = null; try { if (resources.has("display_resources")) src = getHighQualityPost(resources.getJSONArray("display_resources"), false, false, false); else if (resources.has("image_versions2")) src = getHighQualityPost(resources.getJSONObject("image_versions2").getJSONArray("candidates"), false, true, false); if (src == null) return resources.getString("display_url"); } catch (final Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "", e); } return src; } // the "user" argument can be null, it's used because instagram redacts user details from responses public static Media parseGraphQLItem(final JSONObject itemJson, final User backup) throws JSONException { if (itemJson == null) { return null; } final JSONObject feedItem = itemJson.has("node") ? itemJson.getJSONObject("node") : itemJson; final String mediaType = feedItem.optString("__typename"); if ("GraphSuggestedUserFeedUnit".equals(mediaType)) return null; final boolean isVideo = feedItem.optBoolean("is_video"); final long videoViews = feedItem.optLong("video_view_count", 0); final String displayUrl = feedItem.optString("display_url"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(displayUrl)) return null; final String resourceUrl; if (isVideo && feedItem.has("video_url")) { resourceUrl = feedItem.getString("video_url"); } else { resourceUrl = feedItem.has("display_resources") ? ResponseBodyUtils.getHighQualityImage(feedItem) : displayUrl; } JSONObject tempJsonObject = feedItem.optJSONObject("edge_media_preview_comment"); final long commentsCount = tempJsonObject != null ? tempJsonObject.optLong("count") : 0; tempJsonObject = feedItem.optJSONObject("edge_media_preview_like"); final long likesCount = tempJsonObject != null ? tempJsonObject.optLong("count") : 0; tempJsonObject = feedItem.optJSONObject("edge_media_to_caption"); final JSONArray captions = tempJsonObject != null ? tempJsonObject.getJSONArray("edges") : null; String captionText = null; if (captions != null && captions.length() > 0) { if ((tempJsonObject = captions.optJSONObject(0)) != null && (tempJsonObject = tempJsonObject.optJSONObject("node")) != null) { captionText = tempJsonObject.getString("text"); } } final JSONObject locationJson = feedItem.optJSONObject("location"); // Log.d(TAG, "location: " + (location == null ? null : location.toString())); long locationId = 0; String locationName = null; if (locationJson != null) { locationName = locationJson.optString("name"); if (locationJson.has("id")) { locationId = locationJson.optLong("id"); } else if (locationJson.has("pk")) { locationId = locationJson.optLong("pk"); } // Log.d(TAG, "locationId: " + locationId); } int height = 0; int width = 0; final JSONObject dimensions = feedItem.optJSONObject("dimensions"); if (dimensions != null) { height = dimensions.optInt("height"); width = dimensions.optInt("width"); } String thumbnailUrl = null; final List candidates = new ArrayList(); if (feedItem.has("display_resources") || feedItem.has("thumbnail_resources")) { final JSONArray displayResources = feedItem.has("display_resources") ? feedItem.getJSONArray("display_resources") : feedItem.getJSONArray("thumbnail_resources"); for (int i = 0; i < displayResources.length(); i++) { final JSONObject displayResource = displayResources.getJSONObject(i); candidates.add(new MediaCandidate( displayResource.getInt("config_width"), displayResource.getInt("config_height"), displayResource.getString("src") )); } } final ImageVersions2 imageVersions2 = new ImageVersions2(candidates); User user = backup; long userId = -1; if (feedItem.has("owner") && user == null) { final JSONObject owner = feedItem.getJSONObject("owner"); final FriendshipStatus friendshipStatus = new FriendshipStatus( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ); userId = owner.optLong(Constants.EXTRAS_ID, -1); user = new User( userId, owner.optString(Constants.EXTRAS_USERNAME), owner.optString("full_name"), false, owner.optString("profile_pic_url"), owner.optBoolean("is_verified")); } final String id = feedItem.getString(Constants.EXTRAS_ID); MediaCandidate videoVersion = null; if (isVideo) { videoVersion = new MediaCandidate( width, height, resourceUrl ); } final Caption caption = new Caption( userId, captionText != null ? captionText : "" ); final boolean isSlider = "GraphSidecar".equals(mediaType) && feedItem.has("edge_sidecar_to_children"); List childItems = null; if (isSlider) { childItems = new ArrayList<>(); // feedModelBuilder.setItemType(MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_SLIDER); final JSONObject sidecar = feedItem.optJSONObject("edge_sidecar_to_children"); if (sidecar != null) { final JSONArray children = sidecar.optJSONArray("edges"); if (children != null) { // final List sliderItems = getSliderItems(children); // feedModelBuilder.setSliderItems(sliderItems) // .setImageHeight(sliderItems.get(0).getHeight()) // .setImageWidth(sliderItems.get(0).getWidth()); for (int i = 0; i < children.length(); i++) { final JSONObject child = children.optJSONObject(i); if (child == null) continue; final Media media = parseGraphQLItem(child, null); media.setSidecarChild(true); childItems.add(media); } } } } MediaItemType mediaItemType = MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE; if (isSlider) { mediaItemType = MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_SLIDER; } else if (isVideo) { mediaItemType = MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; } final Location location = new Location( locationId, locationName, locationName, null, null, -1, -1 ); return new Media( id, id, feedItem.optString(Constants.EXTRAS_SHORTCODE), feedItem.optLong("taken_at_timestamp", -1), user, false, imageVersions2, width, height, mediaItemType, false, feedItem.optBoolean("comments_disabled"), -1, commentsCount, likesCount, false, false, isVideo ? Collections.singletonList(videoVersion) : null, feedItem.optBoolean("has_audio"), feedItem.optDouble("video_duration"), videoViews, caption, false, null, null, childItems, location, null, false, false, null, null, null ); } public static StoryModel parseStoryItem(final JSONObject data, final boolean isLocOrHashtag, final String username) throws JSONException { final boolean isVideo = data.has("video_duration"); final StoryModel model = new StoryModel(data.getString("id"), data.getJSONObject("image_versions2").getJSONArray("candidates").getJSONObject(0) .getString("url"), null, isVideo ? MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO : MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE, data.optLong("taken_at", 0), isLocOrHashtag ? data.getJSONObject("user").getString("username") : username, data.getJSONObject("user").getLong("pk"), data.optBoolean("can_reply")); if (data.getJSONObject("image_versions2").getJSONArray("candidates").length() > 1) { model.setThumbnail(data.getJSONObject("image_versions2").getJSONArray("candidates").getJSONObject(1) .getString("url")); } final JSONArray videoResources = data.optJSONArray("video_versions"); if (isVideo && videoResources != null) model.setVideoUrl(ResponseBodyUtils.getHighQualityPost(videoResources, true, true, false)); if (data.has("story_feed_media")) { model.setTappableShortCode(data.getJSONArray("story_feed_media").getJSONObject(0).optString("media_id")); } // TODO: this may not be limited to spotify if (!data.isNull("story_app_attribution")) model.setSpotify(data.getJSONObject("story_app_attribution").optString("content_url").split("\\?")[0]); if (data.has("story_polls")) { final JSONArray storyPolls = data.optJSONArray("story_polls"); JSONObject tappableObject = null; if (storyPolls != null) { tappableObject = storyPolls.getJSONObject(0).optJSONObject("poll_sticker"); } if (tappableObject != null) model.setPoll(new PollModel( String.valueOf(tappableObject.getLong("poll_id")), tappableObject.getString("question"), tappableObject.getJSONArray("tallies").getJSONObject(0).getString("text"), tappableObject.getJSONArray("tallies").getJSONObject(0).getInt("count"), tappableObject.getJSONArray("tallies").getJSONObject(1).getString("text"), tappableObject.getJSONArray("tallies").getJSONObject(1).getInt("count"), tappableObject.optInt("viewer_vote", -1) )); } if (data.has("story_questions")) { final JSONObject tappableObject = data.getJSONArray("story_questions").getJSONObject(0) .optJSONObject("question_sticker"); if (tappableObject != null && !tappableObject.getString("question_type").equals("music")) model.setQuestion(new QuestionModel( String.valueOf(tappableObject.getLong("question_id")), tappableObject.getString("question") )); } if (data.has("story_quizs")) { JSONObject tappableObject = data.getJSONArray("story_quizs").getJSONObject(0).optJSONObject("quiz_sticker"); if (tappableObject != null) { String[] choices = new String[tappableObject.getJSONArray("tallies").length()]; Long[] counts = new Long[choices.length]; for (int q = 0; q < choices.length; ++q) { JSONObject tempchoice = tappableObject.getJSONArray("tallies").getJSONObject(q); choices[q] = (q == tappableObject.getInt("correct_answer") ? "*** " : "") + tempchoice.getString("text"); counts[q] = tempchoice.getLong("count"); } model.setQuiz(new QuizModel( String.valueOf(tappableObject.getLong("quiz_id")), tappableObject.getString("question"), choices, counts, tappableObject.optInt("viewer_answer", -1) )); } } if (data.has("story_cta") && data.has("link_text")) { JSONObject tappableObject = data.getJSONArray("story_cta").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("links").getJSONObject(0); String swipeUpUrl = tappableObject.optString("webUri"); final String backupSwipeUpUrl = swipeUpUrl; if (swipeUpUrl != null && swipeUpUrl.startsWith("")) { swipeUpUrl = Uri.parse(swipeUpUrl).getQueryParameter("u"); } if (swipeUpUrl != null && swipeUpUrl.startsWith("http")) model.setSwipeUp(new SwipeUpModel(swipeUpUrl, data.getString("link_text"))); else if (backupSwipeUpUrl != null && backupSwipeUpUrl.startsWith("http")) model.setSwipeUp(new SwipeUpModel(backupSwipeUpUrl, data.getString("link_text"))); } if (data.has("story_sliders")) { final JSONObject tappableObject = data.getJSONArray("story_sliders").getJSONObject(0) .optJSONObject("slider_sticker"); if (tappableObject != null) model.setSlider(new SliderModel( String.valueOf(tappableObject.getLong("slider_id")), tappableObject.getString("question"), tappableObject.getString("emoji"), tappableObject.getBoolean("viewer_can_vote"), tappableObject.optDouble("slider_vote_average"), tappableObject.getInt("slider_vote_count"), tappableObject.optDouble("viewer_vote") )); } JSONArray hashtags = data.optJSONArray("story_hashtags"); JSONArray locations = data.optJSONArray("story_locations"); JSONArray atmarks = data.optJSONArray("reel_mentions"); String[] mentions = new String[(hashtags == null ? 0 : hashtags.length()) + (atmarks == null ? 0 : atmarks.length()) + (locations == null ? 0 : locations.length())]; if (hashtags != null) { for (int h = 0; h < hashtags.length(); ++h) { mentions[h] = "#" + hashtags.getJSONObject(h).getJSONObject("hashtag").getString("name"); } } if (atmarks != null) { for (int h = 0; h < atmarks.length(); ++h) { mentions[h + (hashtags == null ? 0 : hashtags.length())] = "@" + atmarks.getJSONObject(h).getJSONObject("user").getString("username"); } } if (locations != null) { for (int h = 0; h < locations.length(); ++h) { mentions[h + (hashtags == null ? 0 : hashtags.length()) + (atmarks == null ? 0 : atmarks.length())] = locations.getJSONObject(h).getJSONObject("location").getString("short_name") + " (" + locations.getJSONObject(h).getJSONObject("location").getLong("pk") + ")"; } } if (mentions.length != 0) model.setMentions(mentions); return model; } public static String getThumbUrl(final Object media) { return getImageCandidate(media, CandidateType.THUMBNAIL); } public static String getImageUrl(final Object media) { return getImageCandidate(media, CandidateType.DOWNLOAD); } private static String getImageCandidate(final Object rawMedia, final CandidateType type) { final ImageVersions2 imageVersions2; final int originalWidth, originalHeight; if (rawMedia instanceof StoryMedia) { imageVersions2 = ((StoryMedia) rawMedia).getImageVersions2(); originalWidth = ((StoryMedia) rawMedia).getOriginalWidth(); originalHeight = ((StoryMedia) rawMedia).getOriginalHeight(); } else if (rawMedia instanceof Media) { imageVersions2 = ((Media) rawMedia).getImageVersions2(); originalWidth = ((Media) rawMedia).getOriginalWidth(); originalHeight = ((Media) rawMedia).getOriginalHeight(); } else return null; if (imageVersions2 == null) return null; final List candidates = imageVersions2.getCandidates(); if (candidates == null || candidates.isEmpty()) return null; final boolean isSquare =, originalHeight) == 0; final List sortedCandidates = .sorted((c1, c2) ->, c1.getWidth())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); final List filteredCandidates = .filter(c -> c.getWidth() <= originalWidth && c.getWidth() <= type.getValue() && (isSquare || Integer .compare(c.getWidth(), c.getHeight()) != 0) ) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (filteredCandidates.size() == 0) return sortedCandidates.get(0).getUrl(); final MediaCandidate candidate = filteredCandidates.get(0); if (candidate == null) return null; return candidate.getUrl(); } public static String getThumbVideoUrl(final Media media) { return getVideoCandidate(media, CandidateType.VIDEO_THUMBNAIL); } public static String getVideoUrl(final Media media) { return getVideoCandidate(media, CandidateType.DOWNLOAD); } // TODO: merge with getImageCandidate when Kotlin private static String getVideoCandidate(final Media media, final CandidateType type) { if (media == null) return null; final List candidates = media.getVideoVersions(); if (candidates == null || candidates.isEmpty()) return null; final boolean isSquare =, media.getOriginalHeight()) == 0; final List sortedCandidates = .sorted((c1, c2) ->, c1.getWidth())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); final List filteredCandidates = .filter(c -> c.getWidth() <= media.getOriginalWidth() && c.getWidth() <= type.getValue() && (isSquare || Integer .compare(c.getWidth(), c.getHeight()) != 0) ) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (filteredCandidates.size() == 0) return sortedCandidates.get(0).getUrl(); final MediaCandidate candidate = filteredCandidates.get(0); if (candidate == null) return null; return candidate.getUrl(); } public static StoryModel parseBroadcastItem(final JSONObject data) throws JSONException { final StoryModel model = new StoryModel(data.getString("id"), data.getString("cover_frame_url"), data.getString("cover_frame_url"), MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_LIVE, data.optLong("published_time", 0), data.getJSONObject("broadcast_owner").getString("username"), data.getJSONObject("broadcast_owner").getLong("pk"), false); model.setVideoUrl(data.getString("dash_playback_url")); return model; } private enum CandidateType { VIDEO_THUMBNAIL(700), THUMBNAIL(1000), DOWNLOAD(10000); private final int value; CandidateType(final int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } } }