package awais.instagrabber.viewmodels import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.* import androidx.savedstate.SavedStateRegistryOwner import awais.instagrabber.db.entities.Favorite import awais.instagrabber.db.repositories.FavoriteRepository import awais.instagrabber.managers.DirectMessagesManager import awais.instagrabber.models.Resource import awais.instagrabber.models.enums.BroadcastItemType import awais.instagrabber.models.enums.FavoriteType import awais.instagrabber.repositories.requests.StoryViewerOptions import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.FriendshipStatus import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.User import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.UserProfileContextLink import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.directmessages.RankedRecipient import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.stories.Story import awais.instagrabber.utils.Constants import awais.instagrabber.utils.ControlledRunner import awais.instagrabber.utils.Event import awais.instagrabber.utils.getCsrfTokenFromCookie import awais.instagrabber.utils.SingleRunner import awais.instagrabber.utils.Utils import awais.instagrabber.utils.extensions.TAG import awais.instagrabber.utils.extensions.isReallyPrivate import awais.instagrabber.viewmodels.ProfileFragmentViewModel.ProfileAction.* import awais.instagrabber.viewmodels.ProfileFragmentViewModel.ProfileEvent.* import awais.instagrabber.webservices.* import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineDispatcher import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import java.time.LocalDateTime class ProfileFragmentViewModel( private val state: SavedStateHandle, private val favoriteRepository: FavoriteRepository?, private val messageManager: DirectMessagesManager?, ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, ) : ViewModel() { private val cookie: String = Utils.settingsHelper.getString(Constants.COOKIE) private val csrfToken: String? = getCsrfTokenFromCookie(cookie) private val deviceUuid: String = Utils.settingsHelper.getString(Constants.DEVICE_UUID) private val userRepository: UserRepository by lazy { UserRepository.getInstance() } private val friendshipRepository: FriendshipRepository by lazy { FriendshipRepository.getInstance() } private val storiesRepository: StoriesRepository by lazy { StoriesRepository.getInstance() } private val mediaRepository: MediaRepository by lazy { MediaRepository.getInstance() } private val graphQLRepository: GraphQLRepository by lazy { GraphQLRepository.getInstance() } private val directMessagesRepository: DirectMessagesRepository by lazy { DirectMessagesRepository.getInstance() } private val _currentUser = MutableLiveData>(Resource.loading(null)) private val _isFavorite = MutableLiveData(false) private val profileAction = MutableLiveData(INIT) private val _eventLiveData = MutableLiveData?>() enum class ProfileAction { INIT, REFRESH, REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP, } sealed class ProfileEvent { object ShowConfirmUnfollowDialog : ProfileEvent() class DMButtonState(val disabled: Boolean) : ProfileEvent() class NavigateToThread(val threadId: String, val username: String) : ProfileEvent() class ShowTranslation(val result: String) : ProfileEvent() } val currentUser: LiveData> = _currentUser val isLoggedIn: LiveData = { != null } val isFavorite: LiveData = _isFavorite val eventLiveData: LiveData?> = _eventLiveData private val currentUserStateUsernameActionLiveData: LiveData, Resource, ProfileAction>> = object : MediatorLiveData, Resource, ProfileAction>>() { var user: Resource = Resource.loading(null) var stateUsername: Resource = Resource.loading(null) var action: ProfileAction = INIT init { addSource(currentUser) { currentUser -> this.user = currentUser value = Triple(currentUser, stateUsername, action) } addSource(state.getLiveData("username")) { username -> this.stateUsername = Resource.success(username.substringAfter('@')) value = Triple(user, this.stateUsername, action) } addSource(profileAction) { action -> this.action = action value = Triple(user, stateUsername, action) } // trigger currentUserStateUsernameActionLiveData switch map with a state username success resource if (!state.contains("username")) { this.stateUsername = Resource.success(null) value = Triple(user, this.stateUsername, action) } } } private val profileFetchControlledRunner = ControlledRunner() val profile: LiveData> = currentUserStateUsernameActionLiveData.switchMap { val (currentUserResource, stateUsernameResource, action) = it liveData>(context = viewModelScope.coroutineContext + ioDispatcher) { if (currentUserResource.status == Resource.Status.LOADING || stateUsernameResource.status == Resource.Status.LOADING) { emit(Resource.loading(null)) return@liveData } val currentUser = val stateUsername = if (stateUsername.isNullOrBlank()) { emit(Resource.success(currentUser)) return@liveData } try { when (action) { INIT, REFRESH -> { val fetchedUser = profileFetchControlledRunner.cancelPreviousThenRun { fetchUser(currentUser, stateUsername) } emit(Resource.success(fetchedUser)) if (fetchedUser != null) { checkAndUpdateFavorite(fetchedUser) } } REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP -> { var profile = profileCopy.value?.data ?: return@liveData profile = profile.copy(friendshipStatus = userRepository.getUserFriendship( emit(Resource.success(profile)) } } } catch (e: Exception) { emit(Resource.error(e.message, profileCopy.value?.data)) Log.e(TAG, "fetching user: ", e) } } } val profileCopy = profile val currentUserProfileActionLiveData: LiveData, Resource, ProfileAction>> = object : MediatorLiveData, Resource, ProfileAction>>() { var currentUser: Resource = Resource.loading(null) var profile: Resource = Resource.loading(null) var action: ProfileAction = INIT init { addSource(this@ProfileFragmentViewModel.currentUser) { currentUser -> this.currentUser = currentUser value = Triple(currentUser, profile, action) } addSource(this@ProfileFragmentViewModel.profile) { profile -> this.profile = profile value = Triple(currentUser, this.profile, action) } addSource(profileAction) { action -> this.action = action value = Triple(currentUser, this.profile, action) } } } private val storyFetchControlledRunner = ControlledRunner() val userStories: LiveData> = currentUserProfileActionLiveData.switchMap { currentUserAndProfilePair -> liveData>(context = viewModelScope.coroutineContext + ioDispatcher) { val (currentUserResource, profileResource, action) = currentUserAndProfilePair if (action != INIT && action != REFRESH) { return@liveData } // don't fetch if not logged in if ( == null) { emit(Resource.success(null)) return@liveData } if (currentUserResource.status == Resource.Status.LOADING || profileResource.status == Resource.Status.LOADING) { emit(Resource.loading(null)) return@liveData } val user = if (user == null) { emit(Resource.success(null)) return@liveData } try { val fetchedStories = storyFetchControlledRunner.cancelPreviousThenRun { fetchUserStory(user) } emit(Resource.success(fetchedStories)) } catch (e: Exception) { emit(Resource.error(e.message, null)) Log.e(TAG, "fetching story: ", e) } } } private val highlightsFetchControlledRunner = ControlledRunner?>() val userHighlights: LiveData?>> = currentUserProfileActionLiveData.switchMap { currentUserAndProfilePair -> liveData?>>(context = viewModelScope.coroutineContext + ioDispatcher) { val (currentUserResource, profileResource, action) = currentUserAndProfilePair if (action != INIT && action != REFRESH) { return@liveData } // don't fetch if not logged in if ( == null) { emit(Resource.success(null)) return@liveData } if (currentUserResource.status == Resource.Status.LOADING || profileResource.status == Resource.Status.LOADING) { emit(Resource.loading(null)) return@liveData } val user = if (user == null) { emit(Resource.success(null)) return@liveData } try { val fetchedHighlights = highlightsFetchControlledRunner.cancelPreviousThenRun { fetchUserHighlights(user) } emit(Resource.success(fetchedHighlights)) } catch (e: Exception) { emit(Resource.error(e.message, null)) Log.e(TAG, "fetching highlights: ", e) } } } private suspend fun fetchUser( currentUser: User?, stateUsername: String, ): User { if (currentUser != null) { // logged in val tempUser = userRepository.getUsernameInfo(stateUsername) if (!tempUser.isReallyPrivate(currentUser)) { tempUser.friendshipStatus = userRepository.getUserFriendship( } return tempUser } // anonymous return graphQLRepository.fetchUser(stateUsername) } private suspend fun fetchUserStory(fetchedUser: User): Story? = storiesRepository.getStories( StoryViewerOptions.forUser(, fetchedUser.fullName) ) private suspend fun fetchUserHighlights(fetchedUser: User): List = storiesRepository.fetchHighlights( private suspend fun checkAndUpdateFavorite(fetchedUser: User) { try { val favorite = favoriteRepository!!.getFavorite(fetchedUser.username, FavoriteType.USER) if (favorite == null) { _isFavorite.postValue(false) return } _isFavorite.postValue(true) favoriteRepository.insertOrUpdateFavorite( Favorite(, fetchedUser.username, FavoriteType.USER, fetchedUser.fullName, fetchedUser.profilePicUrl, favorite.dateAdded ) ) } catch (e: Exception) { _isFavorite.postValue(false) Log.e(TAG, "checkAndUpdateFavorite: ", e) } } fun setCurrentUser(currentUser: Resource) { _currentUser.postValue(currentUser) } fun shareDm(result: RankedRecipient) { val mediaId = profile.value?.data?.pk ?: return messageManager?.sendMedia(result, mediaId.toString(10), null, BroadcastItemType.PROFILE, viewModelScope) } fun shareDm(recipients: Set) { val mediaId = profile.value?.data?.pk ?: return messageManager?.sendMedia(recipients, mediaId.toString(10), null, BroadcastItemType.PROFILE, viewModelScope) } fun refresh() { profileAction.postValue(REFRESH) } private val toggleFavoriteControlledRunner = SingleRunner() fun toggleFavorite() { val username = profile.value?.data?.username ?: return val fullName = profile.value?.data?.fullName ?: return val profilePicUrl = profile.value?.data?.profilePicUrl ?: return viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { toggleFavoriteControlledRunner.afterPrevious { try { val favorite = favoriteRepository!!.getFavorite(username, FavoriteType.USER) if (favorite == null) { // insert favoriteRepository.insertOrUpdateFavorite( Favorite( 0, username, FavoriteType.USER, fullName, profilePicUrl, ) ) _isFavorite.postValue(true) return@afterPrevious } // delete favoriteRepository.deleteFavorite(username, FavoriteType.USER) _isFavorite.postValue(false) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "checkAndUpdateFavorite: ", e) } } } } private val toggleFollowSingleRunner = SingleRunner() fun toggleFollow(confirmed: Boolean) { viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { toggleFollowSingleRunner.afterPrevious { try { val following = profile.value?.data?.friendshipStatus?.following ?: false val currentUserId = currentUser.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious val targetUserId = profile.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious val csrfToken = csrfToken ?: return@afterPrevious val deviceUuid = deviceUuid if (following) { if (!confirmed) { _eventLiveData.postValue(Event(ShowConfirmUnfollowDialog)) return@afterPrevious } // unfollow friendshipRepository.unfollow( csrfToken, currentUserId, deviceUuid, targetUserId ) profileAction.postValue(REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP) return@afterPrevious } friendshipRepository.follow( csrfToken, currentUserId, deviceUuid, targetUserId ) profileAction.postValue(REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "toggleFollow: ", e) } } } } private val sendDmSingleRunner = SingleRunner() fun sendDm() { viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { sendDmSingleRunner.afterPrevious { _eventLiveData.postValue(Event(DMButtonState(true))) try { val currentUserId = currentUser.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious val targetUserId = profile.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious val csrfToken = csrfToken ?: return@afterPrevious val deviceUuid = deviceUuid val username = profile.value?.data?.username ?: return@afterPrevious val thread = directMessagesRepository.createThread( csrfToken, currentUserId, deviceUuid, listOf(targetUserId), null, ) val inboxManager = DirectMessagesManager.inboxManager if (!inboxManager.containsThread(thread.threadId)) { thread.isTemp = true inboxManager.addThread(thread, 0) } val threadId = thread.threadId ?: return@afterPrevious _eventLiveData.postValue(Event(NavigateToThread(threadId, username))) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "sendDm: ", e) } finally { _eventLiveData.postValue(Event(DMButtonState(false))) } } } } private val restrictUserSingleRunner = SingleRunner() fun restrictUser() { if (isLoggedIn.value == false) return viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { restrictUserSingleRunner.afterPrevious { try { val profile = profile.value?.data ?: return@afterPrevious friendshipRepository.toggleRestrict( csrfToken ?: return@afterPrevious, deviceUuid,, !(profile.friendshipStatus?.isRestricted ?: false), ) profileAction.postValue(REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "restrictUser: ", e) } } } } private val blockUserSingleRunner = SingleRunner() fun blockUser() { if (isLoggedIn.value == false) return viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { blockUserSingleRunner.afterPrevious { try { val profile = profile.value?.data ?: return@afterPrevious friendshipRepository.changeBlock( csrfToken ?: return@afterPrevious, currentUser.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious, deviceUuid, profile.friendshipStatus?.blocking ?: return@afterPrevious, ) profileAction.postValue(REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "blockUser: ", e) } } } } private val muteStoriesSingleRunner = SingleRunner() fun muteStories() { if (isLoggedIn.value == false) return viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { muteStoriesSingleRunner.afterPrevious { try { val profile = profile.value?.data ?: return@afterPrevious friendshipRepository.changeMute( csrfToken ?: return@afterPrevious, currentUser.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious, deviceUuid, profile.friendshipStatus?.isMutingReel ?: return@afterPrevious,, true ) profileAction.postValue(REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "muteStories: ", e) } } } } private val mutePostsSingleRunner = SingleRunner() fun mutePosts() { if (isLoggedIn.value == false) return viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { mutePostsSingleRunner.afterPrevious { try { val profile = profile.value?.data ?: return@afterPrevious friendshipRepository.changeMute( csrfToken ?: return@afterPrevious, currentUser.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious, deviceUuid, profile.friendshipStatus?.muting ?: return@afterPrevious,, false ) profileAction.postValue(REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "mutePosts: ", e) } } } } private val removeFollowerSingleRunner = SingleRunner() fun removeFollower() { if (isLoggedIn.value == false) return viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { removeFollowerSingleRunner.afterPrevious { try { friendshipRepository.removeFollower( csrfToken ?: return@afterPrevious, currentUser.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious, deviceUuid, profile.value?.data?.pk ?: return@afterPrevious ) profileAction.postValue(REFRESH_FRIENDSHIP) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "removeFollower: ", e) } } } } private val translateBioSingleRunner = SingleRunner() fun translateBio() { if (isLoggedIn.value == false) return viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { translateBioSingleRunner.afterPrevious { try { val result = mediaRepository.translate( profile.value?.data?.pk?.toString() ?: return@afterPrevious, "3" ) if (result.isNullOrBlank()) return@afterPrevious _eventLiveData.postValue(Event(ShowTranslation(result))) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "translateBio: ", e) } } } } /** * Username of profile without '`@`' */ val username: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> "" Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> ?: "" } } val profilePicUrl: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> null Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val fullName: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> "" Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val biography: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> "" Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val url: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> "" Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val followersCount: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> null Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val followingCount: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> null Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val postCount: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> null Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val isPrivate: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> null Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val isVerified: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> null Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val friendshipStatus: LiveData = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> null Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> } } val profileContext: LiveData?>> = { return@map when (it.status) { Resource.Status.ERROR -> null to null Resource.Status.LOADING, Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> to } } } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") class ProfileFragmentViewModelFactory( private val favoriteRepository: FavoriteRepository?, private val messageManager: DirectMessagesManager?, owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner, defaultArgs: Bundle? = null, ) : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(owner, defaultArgs) { override fun create( key: String, modelClass: Class, handle: SavedStateHandle, ): T { return ProfileFragmentViewModel( handle, favoriteRepository, messageManager, Dispatchers.IO, ) as T } }