mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 03:06:59 +00:00
general maintenance
1. Close #689 2. Greek and Basque 3. Fix/add several strings 4. Fix launch crash 5. Fix staggered grid sidecar bug
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,13 +12,11 @@ import com.facebook.imagepipeline.core.ImagePipelineConfig;
import java.net.CookieHandler;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import awais.instagrabber.utils.Constants;
import awais.instagrabber.utils.LocaleUtils;
import awais.instagrabber.utils.SettingsHelper;
import awais.instagrabber.utils.TextUtils;
import awais.instagrabber.utils.UserAgentUtils;
import awaisomereport.CrashReporter;
import awaisomereport.LogCollector;
@ -87,15 +85,5 @@ public final class InstaGrabberApplication extends Application {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(settingsHelper.getString(Constants.DEVICE_UUID))) {
settingsHelper.putString(Constants.DEVICE_UUID, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
if (settingsHelper.getInteger(Constants.BROWSER_UA_CODE) == -1) {
int randomNum = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, UserAgentUtils.browsers.length);
settingsHelper.putInteger(Constants.BROWSER_UA_CODE, randomNum);
if (settingsHelper.getInteger(Constants.APP_UA_CODE) == -1) {
int randomNum = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, UserAgentUtils.devices.length);
settingsHelper.putInteger(Constants.APP_UA_CODE, randomNum);
@ -83,6 +83,10 @@ public class FeedGridItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
final Media child = sliderItems.get(0);
if (child != null) {
thumbnailUrl = ResponseBodyUtils.getThumbUrl(child);
if (layoutPreferences.getType() == STAGGERED_GRID) {
final float childAspectRatio = (float) child.getOriginalWidth() / child.getOriginalHeight();
typeIconRes = R.drawable.ic_checkbox_multiple_blank_stroke;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package awais.instagrabber.adapters.viewholder.directmessages;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Typeface;
import android.view.View;
@ -126,13 +127,14 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
private void setSubtitle(@NonNull final DirectThread thread) {
// If there is an unopened raven media, give it highest priority
final Resources resources = itemView.getResources();
final DirectThreadDirectStory directStory = thread.getDirectStory();
final long viewerId = thread.getViewerId();
if (directStory != null && !directStory.getItems().isEmpty()) {
final DirectItem item = directStory.getItems().get(0);
final MediaItemType mediaType = item.getVisualMedia().getMedia().getMediaType();
final String username = getUsername(thread.getUsers(), item.getUserId(), viewerId);
final String subtitle = getMediaSpecificSubtitle(username, mediaType);
final String username = getUsername(thread.getUsers(), item.getUserId(), viewerId, resources);
final String subtitle = getMediaSpecificSubtitle(username, resources, mediaType);
@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
final String username = getUsername(thread.getUsers(), senderId, viewerId);
String message = "";
if (itemType == null) {
message = "Unsupported message";
message = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_raven_message_unknown);
} else {
switch (itemType) {
case TEXT:
@ -160,20 +162,20 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
message = item.getPlaceholder().getMessage();
subtitle = String.format("%s shared a post", username != null ? username : "");
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_post, username != null ? username : "", item.getMediaShare().getUser().getUsername());
subtitle = String.format("%s shared a gif", username != null ? username : "");
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_gif, username != null ? username : "");
subtitle = String.format("%s shared a profile: @%s", username != null ? username : "", item.getProfile().getUsername());
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_profile, username != null ? username : "", item.getProfile().getUsername());
subtitle = String.format("%s shared a location: %s", username != null ? username : "", item.getLocation().getName());
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_location, username != null ? username : "", item.getLocation().getName());
case MEDIA: {
final MediaItemType mediaType = item.getMedia().getMediaType();
subtitle = getMediaSpecificSubtitle(username, mediaType);
subtitle = getMediaSpecificSubtitle(username, resources, mediaType);
@ -181,17 +183,16 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
if (reelType == null) {
subtitle = item.getStoryShare().getTitle();
} else {
String format = "%s shared a story by @%s";
if (reelType.equals("highlight_reel")) {
format = "%s shared a story highlight by @%s";
subtitle = String.format(format, username != null ? username : "",
final int format = reelType.equals("highlight_reel")
? R.string.dms_inbox_shared_highlight
: R.string.dms_inbox_shared_story;
subtitle = resources.getString(format, username != null ? username : "",
subtitle = String.format("%s sent a voice message", username != null ? username : "");
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_voice, username != null ? username : "");
subtitle = item.getActionLog().getDescription();
@ -200,15 +201,15 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
subtitle = item.getVideoCallEvent().getDescription();
case CLIP:
subtitle = String.format("%s shared a clip by @%s", username != null ? username : "",
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_clip, username != null ? username : "",
subtitle = String.format("%s shared an IGTV video by @%s", username != null ? username : "",
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_igtv, username != null ? username : "",
subtitle = getRavenMediaSubtitle(item, username);
subtitle = getRavenMediaSubtitle(item, resources, username);
final DirectItemReelShare reelShare = item.getReelShare();
@ -220,9 +221,9 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
switch (reelType) {
case "reply":
if (viewerId == item.getUserId()) {
subtitle = String.format("You replied to their story: %s", reelShare.getText());
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_replied_story_outgoing, reelShare.getText());
} else {
subtitle = String.format("%s replied to your story: %s", username != null ? username : "", reelShare.getText());
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_replied_story_incoming, username != null ? username : "", reelShare.getText());
case "mention":
@ -230,17 +231,17 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
// You mentioned the other person
final long mentionedUserId = item.getReelShare().getMentionedUserId();
final String otherUsername = getUsername(thread.getUsers(), mentionedUserId, viewerId);
subtitle = String.format("You mentioned @%s in your story", otherUsername);
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_mentioned_story_outgoing, otherUsername);
} else {
// They mentioned you
subtitle = String.format("%s mentioned you in their story", username != null ? username : "");
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_mentioned_story_incoming, username != null ? username : "");
case "reaction":
if (viewerId == item.getUserId()) {
subtitle = String.format("You reacted to their story: %s", reelShare.getText());
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_reacted_story_outgoing, reelShare.getText());
} else {
subtitle = String.format("%s reacted to your story: %s", username != null ? username : "", reelShare.getText());
subtitle = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_reacted_story_incoming, username != null ? username : "", reelShare.getText());
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
message = "Unsupported message";
message = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_raven_message_unknown);
if (subtitle == null) {
@ -263,10 +264,10 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
binding.subtitle.setText(subtitle != null ? subtitle : "");
private String getMediaSpecificSubtitle(final String username, final MediaItemType mediaType) {
final String userSharedAnImage = String.format("%s shared an image", username != null ? username : "");
final String userSharedAVideo = String.format("%s shared a video", username != null ? username : "");
final String userSentAMessage = String.format("%s sent a message", username != null ? username : "");
private String getMediaSpecificSubtitle(final String username, final Resources resources, final MediaItemType mediaType) {
final String userSharedAnImage = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_image, username != null ? username : "");
final String userSharedAVideo = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_video, username != null ? username : "");
final String userSentAMessage = resources.getString(R.string.dms_inbox_shared_message, username != null ? username : "");
String subtitle;
switch (mediaType) {
@ -283,6 +284,7 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
private String getRavenMediaSubtitle(final DirectItem item,
final Resources resources,
final String username) {
String subtitle = "↗ ";
final DirectItemVisualMedia visualMedia = item.getVisualMedia();
@ -325,15 +327,16 @@ public final class DirectInboxItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
return subtitle;
final MediaItemType mediaType = visualMedia.getMedia().getMediaType();
subtitle = getMediaSpecificSubtitle(username, mediaType);
subtitle = getMediaSpecificSubtitle(username, resources, mediaType);
return subtitle;
private String getUsername(final List<User> users,
final long userId,
final long viewerId) {
final long viewerId,
final Resources resources) {
if (userId == viewerId) {
return "You";
return resources.getString(R.string.you);
final Optional<User> senderOptional = users.stream()
@ -115,19 +115,21 @@ public abstract class FeedItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
private void setupLocation(@NonNull final Media media) {
final Location location = media.getLocation();
final String locationName = location.getName();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(locationName)) {
topBinding.title.setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
} else {
topBinding.title.setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
topBinding.location.setOnClickListener(v -> feedItemCallback.onLocationClick(media));
if (location != null) {
final String locationName = location.getName();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(locationName)) {
topBinding.title.setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
} else {
topBinding.title.setLayoutParams(new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
topBinding.location.setOnClickListener(v -> feedItemCallback.onLocationClick(media));
@ -87,12 +87,20 @@ public final class StoryListViewerFragment extends Fragment implements SwipeRefr
private final ServiceCallback<ArchiveFetchResponse> cb = new ServiceCallback<ArchiveFetchResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(final ArchiveFetchResponse result) {
endCursor = result.getNextCursor();
final List<HighlightModel> models = archivesViewModel.getList().getValue();
final List<HighlightModel> modelsCopy = models == null ? new ArrayList<>() : new ArrayList<>(models);
if (result == null) {
try {
final Context context = getContext();
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.empty_list, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
else {
endCursor = result.getNextCursor();
final List<HighlightModel> models = archivesViewModel.getList().getValue();
final List<HighlightModel> modelsCopy = models == null ? new ArrayList<>() : new ArrayList<>(models);
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import javax.security.cert.CertificateException;
import javax.security.cert.X509Certificate;
@ -103,10 +104,18 @@ public final class FlavorTown {
public static void changelogCheck(@NonNull final Context context) {
if (settingsHelper.getInteger(Constants.PREV_INSTALL_VERSION) < BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) {
final int appUaCode = settingsHelper.getInteger(Constants.APP_UA_CODE);
int appUaCode = settingsHelper.getInteger(Constants.APP_UA_CODE);
int browserUaCode = settingsHelper.getInteger(Constants.BROWSER_UA_CODE);
if (browserUaCode == -1) {
browserUaCode = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, UserAgentUtils.browsers.length);
settingsHelper.putInteger(Constants.BROWSER_UA_CODE, browserUaCode);
if (appUaCode == -1) {
appUaCode = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, UserAgentUtils.devices.length);
settingsHelper.putInteger(Constants.APP_UA_CODE, appUaCode);
final String appUa = UserAgentUtils.generateAppUA(appUaCode, LocaleUtils.getCurrentLocale().getLanguage());
settingsHelper.putString(Constants.APP_UA, appUa);
final int browserUaCode = settingsHelper.getInteger(Constants.BROWSER_UA_CODE);
final String browserUa = UserAgentUtils.generateBrowserUA(browserUaCode);
settingsHelper.putString(Constants.BROWSER_UA, browserUa);
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.updated, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
@ -57,26 +57,30 @@ public final class LocaleUtils {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(appLanguageSettings)) return null;
final int appLanguageIndex = Integer.parseInt(appLanguageSettings);
if (appLanguageIndex == 1) return "en";
if (appLanguageIndex == 2) return "fr";
if (appLanguageIndex == 3) return "es";
if (appLanguageIndex == 4) return "zh_CN";
if (appLanguageIndex == 5) return "in";
if (appLanguageIndex == 6) return "it";
if (appLanguageIndex == 7) return "de";
if (appLanguageIndex == 8) return "pl";
if (appLanguageIndex == 9) return "tr";
if (appLanguageIndex == 10) return "pt";
if (appLanguageIndex == 11) return "fa";
if (appLanguageIndex == 12) return "mk";
if (appLanguageIndex == 13) return "vi";
if (appLanguageIndex == 14) return "zh_TW";
if (appLanguageIndex == 15) return "ca";
if (appLanguageIndex == 16) return "ru";
if (appLanguageIndex == 17) return "hi";
if (appLanguageIndex == 18) return "nl";
if (appLanguageIndex == 19) return "sk";
if (appLanguageIndex == 20) return "ja";
switch (appLanguageIndex) {
case 1: return "en";
case 2: return "fr";
case 3: return "es";
case 4: return "zh_CN";
case 5: return "in";
case 6: return "it";
case 7: return "de";
case 8: return "pl";
case 9: return "tr";
case 10: return "pt";
case 11: return "fa";
case 12: return "mk";
case 13: return "vi";
case 14: return "zh_TW";
case 15: return "ca";
case 16: return "ru";
case 17: return "hi";
case 18: return "nl";
case 19: return "sk";
case 20: return "ja";
case 21: return "el";
case 22: return "eu";
return null;
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ public class UserAgentUtils {
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_1) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.2 Safari/605.1.15"
// use APKpure, assume x86
private static final String igVersion = "";
private static final String igVersionCode = "264009054";
private static final String igVersion = "";
private static final String igVersionCode = "273907115";
// only pick the ones that has width 1440 for maximum download quality
public static final String[] devices = {
// https://github.com/dilame/instagram-private-api/blob/master/src/samples/devices.json
@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ public class StoriesService extends BaseService {
form.put("include_suggested_highlights", "false");
form.put("is_in_archive_home", "true");
form.put("include_cover", "1");
form.put("timezone_offset", String.valueOf((float) TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset() / 1000));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(maxId)) {
form.put("max_id", maxId); // NOT TESTED
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
<item translatable="false">Nederlands</item>
<item translatable="false">Slovenčina</item>
<item translatable="false">日本語</item>
<item translatable="false">Ελληνικά</item>
<item translatable="false">Euskara</item>
<string-array name="theme_presets">
<item>Auto / Follow System</item>
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<string name="error_loading_profile">Error loading profile! Is the username valid? If so, you may be ratelimited.</string>
<string name="error_loading_profile_loggedin">Error loading profile! Is the username valid? Or did they block you?</string>
<string name="error_loading_hashtag">Error loading hashtag! Is the name valid?</string>
<string name="error_loading_location">Error loading hashtag! Is the URL valid?</string>
<string name="error_loading_location">Error loading location! Is the URL valid?</string>
<string name="error_creating_folders">Error creating Download folder(s).</string>
<string name="save_to_folder">Save to custom folder</string>
<string name="select_folder">Select folder</string>
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
<string name="direct_messages_replied_story">Replied to a story</string>
<string name="direct_messages_reacted_story">Reacted on a story</string>
<string name="direct_messages_mention_story">Mentioned in a story</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_message_unknown"><i>Unsupported message type</i></string>
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_message_unknown">Unsupported message type</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_open_link">Open link</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_copy_text">Copy text</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_download">Download attachment</string>
@ -174,7 +174,24 @@
<string name="dms_inbox_unlike">Unlike message</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_unsend">Unsend message</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_author">View author profile</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_media_shared_from">Post shared from %s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_post">%s shared a post by @%s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_image">%s shared an image</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_video">%s shared a video</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_message">%s sent a message</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_gif">%s shared a gif</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_profile">%s shared a profile: @%s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_location">%s shared a location: %s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_highlight">%s shared a story highlight by @%s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_story">%s shared a story by @%s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_voice">%s sent a voice message</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_clip">%s shared a clip by @%s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_shared_igtv">%s shared an IGTV video by @%s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_replied_story_outgoing">You replied to their story: %s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_replied_story_incoming">%s replied to your story: %s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_reacted_story_outgoing">You reacted to their story: %s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_reacted_story_incoming">%s reacted to your story: %s</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_mentioned_story_outgoing">You mentioned @%s in your story</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_mentioned_story_incoming">%s mentioned you in their story</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_media_unknown"><i>Unknown media type</i></string>
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_media_expired">Media expired!</string>
<string name="dms_inbox_raven_media_delivered">Delivered</string>
@ -431,4 +448,5 @@
<string name="accept_request_from_user">Accept request from %1s (%2s)?</string>
<string name="decline">Decline</string>
<string name="accept">Accept</string>
<string name="you">You</string>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user