mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 03:06:59 +00:00
use ContentResolver instead of findFile/listFiles
seems to have made the downloaded badge much smoother although it did not improve downloading en masse...
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
package awais.instagrabber.utils
import android.content.Context
import android.content.DialogInterface
import android.content.UriPermission
import android.net.Uri
import android.provider.DocumentsContract
import android.util.Log
import android.view.MenuItem
import android.view.View
import android.widget.Toast
import androidx.appcompat.app.AlertDialog
import androidx.appcompat.view.ContextThemeWrapper
import androidx.appcompat.widget.PopupMenu
import androidx.core.util.Pair
import androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile
import androidx.work.*
import awais.instagrabber.R
@ -40,6 +36,7 @@ object DownloadUtils {
private const val DIR_RECORDINGS = "Sent Recordings"
private const val DIR_TEMP = "Temp"
private const val DIR_BACKUPS = "Backups"
private const val MIME_DIR = DocumentsContract.Document.MIME_TYPE_DIR
private val dirMap: MutableMap<String, DocumentFile?> = mutableMapOf()
private var root: DocumentFile? = null
@ -71,8 +68,15 @@ object DownloadUtils {
Utils.settingsHelper.putString(PreferenceKeys.PREF_BARINSTA_DIR_URI, uri.toString())
// set up directories
dirMap.putAll(checkSubDirs(context, root, dirKeys, true))
val dirKeys = mapOf(
dirMap.putAll(checkFiles(context, root, dirKeys, true))
fun destroy() {
@ -80,16 +84,16 @@ object DownloadUtils {
fun checkSubDirs(context: Context,
parent: DocumentFile?,
queries: List<String>,
create: Boolean): Map<String, DocumentFile?> {
fun checkFiles(context: Context,
parent: DocumentFile?,
queries: Map<String, String>, // <file name, mime type>
create: Boolean
): Map<String, DocumentFile?> {
// first we'll find existing ones
val result: MutableMap<String, DocumentFile?> = mutableMapOf()
if (parent == null) return result.toMap()
val parentUri = parent.uri
val docId = DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId(parentUri)
val docUri = DocumentsContract.buildChildDocumentsUriUsingTree(parentUri, docId)
if (root == null || parent == null || !parent.isDirectory) return result.toMap()
val docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(parent.uri)
val docUri = DocumentsContract.buildChildDocumentsUriUsingTree(root!!.uri, docId)
val docCursor = context.contentResolver.query(
docUri, arrayOf(
@ -99,162 +103,117 @@ object DownloadUtils {
if (docCursor == null) return result.toMap()
while (docCursor.moveToNext()) {
if (!DocumentsContract.Document.MIME_TYPE_DIR.equals(docCursor.getString(2)) || !queries.contains(docCursor.getString(0)))
val userFolderUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(parentUri, docCursor.getString(1))
val dir = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(context, userFolderUri)
Log.d("austin_debug", userFolderUri.toString() + " " + dir!!.uri.toString())
val q = queries.get(docCursor.getString(0))
if (q == null || !docCursor.getString(2).equals(q)) continue
val fileUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(parent.uri, docCursor.getString(1))
val dir = if (q.equals(MIME_DIR)) DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(context, fileUri)
else DocumentFile.fromSingleUri(context, fileUri)
result.put(docCursor.getString(0), dir)
if (result.size >= queries.size) break
// next we'll create inexistent ones
// next we'll create inexistent ones, if necessary
if (create) {
for (k in queries) {
if (result.get(k) == null) {
result.put(k, parent.createDirectory(k))
if (result.get(k.key) == null) {
result.put(k.key, if (MIME_DIR.equals(k.value)) parent.createDirectory(k.key)
else parent.createFile(k.value, k.key))
return result.toMap()
fun getDownloadDir(dir: String): DocumentFile? {
if (root == null) {
return null
fun getRootDir(dir: String): DocumentFile? {
if (root == null) return null
return dirMap.get(dir)
val downloadDir: DocumentFile?
get() = getDownloadDir(DIR_DOWNLOADS)
get() = getRootDir(DIR_DOWNLOADS)
val cameraDir: DocumentFile?
get() = getDownloadDir(DIR_CAMERA)
get() = getRootDir(DIR_CAMERA)
fun getImageEditDir(sessionId: String?, context: Context): DocumentFile? {
val editRoot = getDownloadDir(DIR_EDIT)
val editRoot = getRootDir(DIR_EDIT)
if (sessionId == null) return editRoot
val result = checkSubDirs(context, editRoot, listOf(sessionId), true)
return result.get(sessionId)
return checkFiles(context,
mapOf(sessionId to MIME_DIR),
val recordingsDir: DocumentFile?
get() = getDownloadDir(DIR_RECORDINGS)
get() = getRootDir(DIR_RECORDINGS)
val backupsDir: DocumentFile?
get() = getDownloadDir(DIR_BACKUPS)
get() = getRootDir(DIR_BACKUPS)
// @Nullable
// private static DocumentFile getDownloadDir(@NonNull final Context context, @Nullable final String username) {
// return getDownloadDir(context, username, false);
// }
private fun getDownloadDir(
context: Context?,
username: String?
context: Context,
username: String?,
shouldCreate: Boolean
): DocumentFile? {
val userFolderPaths: List<String> = getSubPathForUserFolder(username)
var dir = root
for (dirName in userFolderPaths) {
val file = dir!!.findFile(dirName)
if (file != null) {
dir = file
dir = dir.createDirectory(dirName)
if (dir == null) break
// final String joined = android.text.TextUtils.join("/", userFolderPaths);
// final Uri userFolderUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(root.getUri(), joined);
// final DocumentFile userFolder = DocumentFile.fromSingleUri(context, userFolderUri);
if (context != null && (dir == null || !dir.exists())) {
Toast.makeText(context, R.string.error_creating_folders, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
return null
return dir
if (!Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DOWNLOAD_USER_FOLDER) || username.isNullOrEmpty())
return downloadDir
return checkFiles(context,
mapOf(username to MIME_DIR),
private fun getSubPathForUserFolder(username: String?): MutableList<String> {
val list: MutableList<String> = ArrayList()
if (!Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DOWNLOAD_USER_FOLDER) ||
username.isNullOrEmpty()) {
return list
val finalUsername = if (username.startsWith("@")) username.substring(1) else username
return list
private fun getTempDir(): DocumentFile? {
var file = root!!.findFile(DIR_TEMP)
if (file == null) {
file = root!!.createDirectory(DIR_TEMP)
return file
private val tempDir: DocumentFile?
get() = getRootDir(DIR_TEMP)
private fun getDownloadSavePaths(
paths: MutableList<String>,
postId: String?,
displayUrl: String?
): Pair<List<String>, String?>? {
return getDownloadSavePaths(paths, postId, "", displayUrl, "")
): Pair<String, String> {
return getDownloadFileName(postId, "", displayUrl, "")
private fun getDownloadSavePaths(
paths: MutableList<String>,
postId: String?,
displayUrl: String,
username: String
): Pair<List<String>, String?>? {
return getDownloadSavePaths(paths, postId, "", displayUrl, username)
): Pair<String, String> {
return getDownloadFileName(postId, "", displayUrl, username)
private fun getDownloadChildSavePaths(
paths: MutableList<String>,
postId: String?,
childPosition: Int,
url: String?,
username: String
): Pair<List<String>, String?>? {
): Pair<String, String> {
val sliderPostfix = "_slide_$childPosition"
return getDownloadSavePaths(paths, postId, sliderPostfix, url, username)
return getDownloadFileName(postId, sliderPostfix, url, username)
private fun getDownloadSavePaths(
paths: MutableList<String>?,
private fun getDownloadFileName(
postId: String?,
sliderPostfix: String,
displayUrl: String?,
username: String
): Pair<List<String>, String?>? {
if (paths == null) return null
): Pair<String, String> {
val extension = getFileExtensionFromUrl(displayUrl)
val usernamePrepend = if (isEmpty(username)) "" else username + "_"
val fileName = usernamePrepend + postId + sliderPostfix + extension
// return new File(finalDir, fileName);
// DocumentFile file = finalDir.findFile(fileName);
// if (file == null) {
val mimeType = Utils.mimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension(
if (extension.startsWith(".")) extension.substring(1) else extension
// file = finalDir.createFile(mimeType, fileName);
// }
return Pair(paths, mimeType)
return Pair(fileName, mimeType!!)
// public static DocumentFile getTempFile() {
// return getTempFile(null, null);
// }
// can't convert to checkFiles() due to lack of Context
fun getTempFile(fileName: String?, extension: String): DocumentFile? {
val dir = getTempDir()
val dir = tempDir
var name = fileName
if (isEmpty(name)) {
name = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
@ -322,26 +281,23 @@ object DownloadUtils {
if (user != null) {
username = user.username
val userFolderPaths: List<String> = getSubPathForUserFolder(username)
val userFolder = getDownloadDir(context, username, false)
if (userFolder == null) return checkList
when (media.type) {
val url =
if (media.type == MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) ResponseBodyUtils.getVideoUrl(
) else ResponseBodyUtils.getImageUrl(media)
val file = getDownloadSavePaths(ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, url, "")
val fileExists = file!!.first != null && checkPathExists(file.first, context)
var usernameFileExists = false
if (!fileExists) {
val usernameFile = getDownloadSavePaths(
ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, url, username
usernameFileExists = usernameFile!!.first != null && checkPathExists(usernameFile.first, context)
checkList.add(fileExists || usernameFileExists)
val fileName = getDownloadSavePaths(media.code, url)
val fileNameWithUser = getDownloadSavePaths(media.code, url, username)
val files = checkFiles(context, userFolder, mapOf(fileName, fileNameWithUser), false)
checkList.add(files.size > 0)
MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_SLIDER -> {
val sliderItems = media.carouselMedia
val fileNames: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()
val filePairs: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()
var i = 0
while (i < sliderItems!!.size) {
val child = sliderItems[i]
@ -349,20 +305,17 @@ object DownloadUtils {
if (child.type == MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) ResponseBodyUtils.getVideoUrl(
) else ResponseBodyUtils.getImageUrl(child)
val file = getDownloadChildSavePaths(
ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, i + 1, url, ""
val fileExists = file!!.first != null && checkPathExists(file.first, context)
var usernameFileExists = false
if (!fileExists) {
val usernameFile = getDownloadChildSavePaths(
ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, i + 1, url, username
usernameFileExists = usernameFile!!.first != null && checkPathExists(usernameFile.first, context)
checkList.add(fileExists || usernameFileExists)
val fileName = getDownloadChildSavePaths(media.code, i+1, url, "")
val fileNameWithUser = getDownloadChildSavePaths(media.code, i+1, url, username)
fileNames.put(fileName.first, fileName.second)
fileNames.put(fileNameWithUser.first, fileNameWithUser.second)
filePairs.put(fileName.first, fileNameWithUser.first)
val files = checkFiles(context, userFolder, fileNames, false)
for (p in filePairs) {
checkList.add(files.get(p.key) != null || files.get(p.value) != null)
else -> {
@ -370,33 +323,6 @@ object DownloadUtils {
return checkList
private fun checkPathExists(paths: List<String>, context: Context): Boolean {
if (root == null) return false
val uri = root!!.uri
var found = false
var docId = DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId(uri)
for (path in paths) {
val docUri = DocumentsContract.buildChildDocumentsUriUsingTree(uri, docId)
val docCursor = context.contentResolver.query(
docUri, arrayOf(
), null, null, null
if (docCursor == null) return false
while (docCursor.moveToNext() && !found) {
if (path.equals(docCursor.getString(0))) {
docId = docCursor.getString(1)
found = true
if (!found) return false
found = false
return true
fun showDownloadDialog(
context: Context,
@ -430,27 +356,19 @@ object DownloadUtils {
context: Context,
storyModel: StoryMedia
) {
val downloadDir = getDownloadDir(context, storyModel.user?.username) ?: return
val downloadDir = getDownloadDir(context, storyModel.user?.username, true) ?: return
val url =
if (storyModel.type == MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) ResponseBodyUtils.getVideoUrl(storyModel)
else ResponseBodyUtils.getImageUrl(storyModel)
val extension = getFileExtensionFromUrl(url)
val baseFileName = (storyModel.id + "_"
+ storyModel.takenAt + extension)
val mimeType = Utils.mimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension)
val baseFileName = storyModel.id + "_" + storyModel.takenAt + extension
val usernamePrepend =
if (Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DOWNLOAD_PREPEND_USER_NAME)
&& storyModel.user?.username != null
) storyModel.user.username + "_" else ""
val fileName = usernamePrepend + baseFileName
var saveFile = downloadDir.findFile(fileName)
if (saveFile == null) {
val mimeType = Utils.mimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension(
if (extension.startsWith(".")) extension.substring(1) else extension
?: return
saveFile = downloadDir.createFile(mimeType, fileName)
// final File saveFile = new File(downloadDir, fileName);
var saveFile = checkFiles(context, downloadDir, mapOf(fileName to mimeType!!), true).get(fileName)
download(context, url, saveFile)
@ -477,11 +395,12 @@ object DownloadUtils {
feedModels: List<Media>,
childPositionIfSingle: Int
) {
val map: MutableMap<String, DocumentFile> = HashMap()
val map: MutableMap<String, Pair<String, String>> = HashMap()
val fileMap: MutableMap<String, DocumentFile?> = HashMap()
for (media in feedModels) {
val mediaUser = media.user
val username = mediaUser?.username ?: ""
val userFolderPaths = getSubPathForUserFolder(username)
val dir = getDownloadDir(context, username, true)
when (media.type) {
val url = getUrlOfType(media)
@ -495,9 +414,8 @@ object DownloadUtils {
fileName = mediaUser.username + "_" + fileName
val pair = getDownloadSavePaths(userFolderPaths, fileName, url)
val file = createFile(pair!!) ?: continue
map[url!!] = file
val pair = getDownloadSavePaths(fileName, url)
map[url!!] = pair
MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VOICE -> {
val url = getUrlOfType(media)
@ -505,9 +423,8 @@ object DownloadUtils {
if (mediaUser != null) {
fileName = mediaUser.username + "_" + fileName
val pair = getDownloadSavePaths(userFolderPaths, fileName, url)
val file = createFile(pair!!) ?: continue
map[url!!] = file
val pair = getDownloadSavePaths(fileName, url)
map[url!!] = pair
MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_SLIDER -> {
val sliderItems = media.carouselMedia
@ -522,42 +439,19 @@ object DownloadUtils {
val usernamePrepend =
if (Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DOWNLOAD_PREPEND_USER_NAME) && mediaUser != null) mediaUser.username else ""
val pair = getDownloadChildSavePaths(
ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, i + 1, url, usernamePrepend
media.code, i + 1, url, usernamePrepend
val file = createFile(pair!!)
if (file == null) {
map[url!!] = file
map[url!!] = pair
fileMap.putAll(checkFiles(context, dir, map.values.toMap(), true))
if (map.isEmpty()) return
download(context, map)
private fun createFile(pair: Pair<List<String>, String?>): DocumentFile? {
if (root == null) return null
if (pair.first == null || pair.second == null) return null
var dir = root
val first = pair.first
for (i in first.indices) {
val name = first[i]
val file = dir!!.findFile(name)
if (file != null) {
dir = file
dir = if (i == first.size - 1) dir.createFile(
) else dir.createDirectory(name)
if (dir == null) break
return dir
if (map.isEmpty() || fileMap.isEmpty()) return
val resultMap: MutableMap<String, DocumentFile?> = mutableMapOf()
map.mapValuesTo(resultMap) { fileMap.get(it.value.first) }
download(context, resultMap)
private fun getUrlOfType(media: Media): String? {
@ -595,7 +489,7 @@ object DownloadUtils {
download(context, Collections.singletonMap(url!!, filePath))
private fun download(context: Context?, urlFilePathMap: Map<String, DocumentFile>) {
private fun download(context: Context?, urlFilePathMap: Map<String, DocumentFile?>) {
if (context == null) return
val constraints = Constraints.Builder()
@ -393,9 +393,10 @@ class DownloadWorker(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : Corouti
class Builder {
private var urlToFilePathMap: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()
fun setUrlToFilePathMap(urlToFilePathMap: Map<String, DocumentFile>): Builder {
fun setUrlToFilePathMap(urlToFilePathMap: Map<String, DocumentFile?>): Builder {
this.urlToFilePathMap = urlToFilePathMap
.mapValues { it.value.uri.toString() }
.filter{ it.value != null }
.mapValues { it.value!!.uri.toString() }
return this
Reference in New Issue
Block a user